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Approximate questions for preparing to exams (PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY)
1. Pathological anatomy - definition, the basic sections, objects and methods. Value of pathological anatomy in medical servise. 2. Concept about an etiology, pathogeny and morphogenesis of diseases. 3. Dystrophias, definition, classification, outcomes, mechanisms of a morphge- nesis of dystrophias. 4. Parenchymatous dystrophies, definition, classification. Proteinous parenchy- matous dystrophies, classification, causes, pathogeny, morphology, out- comes. Congenital parenchymatous dystrophies. 5. Parenchymatous dystrophies, definition, classification. Fatty and carbohydrate parenchymatous dystrophies, classification, causes, pathogeny, morphology, outcomes. 6. Mesenchymal (stromal-vascular) dystrophies, definition, classification. Me- senchymal (stromal-vascular) proteinaceous dystrophies, classification. Clas- sification of amyloidosis, charteristic of its forms. 7. Mesenchymal (stromal-vascular) proteinaceous dystrophies, classification. Classification of hyalynosis, its morphological charteristic. 8. Mesenchymal (stromal-vascular) fatty dystrophies, causes; charteristic of stromal-vascular fatty dystrophies join with metabolism disturbance of neutral fats and cholesterin. Obesity. 9. Mesenchymal (stromal-vascular) fatty dystrophies, causes; charteristic of stromal-vascular fatty dystrophies join with metabolism disturbance of neutral fats. Cachexia. 10. Mixed dystrophies, definition, classification. Metabolism disturbance of he- matogenous pigments. 11. Kinds of chromoproteins. Metabolism disturbance of proteinogenous and lipi- dogenous pigments. 12. Metabolism disturbance of nucleoproteins causes, morphology. Gout. 13. Mineral dystrophias. Calcification- definition, classification, morphology. 14. Formation of stones, causes and kinds of stones. Consequences of stones. 15. Necrosis, definition and stages. Causes, mechanism of the necrosis. Classifi- cations. 16. Necrosis, definition. Сlinical-anatomical forms of a necrosis its morphological charteristic and value. 17. General death. Mechanism of the general death, corpse changes. 18. Circulatory disturbances, classifications. Arterial hyperemia and venous hyperemia (acute and chronic). Morphological changes in different organs. 19. Shock classification, causes, pathogeny, morphology, outcomes. Local ane- mia classification, causes, pathogeny, morphology, outcomes. 20. Thrombosis causes, pathogeny, mechanism, morphology, outcomes. Mor- phology and kinds thrombuses. Value of thrombosis. 21. Bleeding- classification, causes, pathogeny, morphology, outcomes. 22. Embolism causes, pathogeny, mechanism, morphology, outcomes.

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23. Edemas causes, pathogeny, kinds, morphology, outcomes. Exicosis. 24. Inflammation- definition, classification, causes, pathogeny. Components of in- flammation. 25. Inflammation- definition, classification, causes, pathogeny. Exudative in- flammation. Suppurative inflammation. 26. Inflammation- definition, classification, causes, pathogeny. Exudative in- flammation. Fibrinous inflammation. 27. Inflammation- definition, classification, causes, pathogeny. Productive and specific inflammation, classifications and morphological charteristic. 28. Inflammation- definition, classification, causes, pathogeny. Kinds of produc- tive inflammation. Inflammation around of zooparasites. 29. Immunopathology. Delayed-type hypersensitivity and immediate hypersensi- tivity; morphology. Autoimmune diseases. Immunedefiensy syndromes. 30. Сompensatory-adaptive processes-definition. Stages of compensatory- adaptive processes. Regeneration classification, causes, pathogeny, morphol- ogy, outcomes. Reparative regeneration. 31. Regeneration classification, causes, pathogeny, morphology. Pathological re- generation. 32. Сompensatory-adaptive processes-definition. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia. 33. Atrophy. Classification, causes, pathogeny, morphology, outcomes. 34. Wound healing. Metaplasia. Organisation (fibrosis). 35. Neoplasia (tumors), definition. Theories of tumors. Pretumor conditions. Im- munity response against tumor. 36. Neoplasia (tumors), structure, kinds of atypism and tumors growth. 37. Benign and malignant tumors. Kinds of tumors spread (metastasizes).Local and general influence of tumor on organism. 38. Classifications of tumors. Epithelial organ-nonspecific tumours. Cancer, its types. 39. Classifications of tumors. Epithelial organ-specific tumours of skin, breast, thyroid gland. 40. Classifications of tumors. Epithelial organ-specific tumours of uterus, kid- neys, pancreas. 41. Epithelial organ-specific tumors of ovaries, testicules, gastrointestinal tract. 42. Mesenchymal tumours, benign and malignant 43. Kinds of tumors spread (metastasizes) and tumors growth. Tumours of mela- notic tissue. 44. Tumours of nervous system. Neuroectodermal tumours. 45. Classifications of tumors. Meningovascular tumors and tumors of peripheral nervous system. 46. Anaemias - classification, causes. Anemia of blood loss. 47. Anaemias due to impaired red cells formations, classification, causes, mor- phology. 48. Anaemias - classification, causes.Hemolytic anaemias. 49. Tumors of blood system. Classification, causes, pathogeny, morphology, out- comes.

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50. Acute leucoses. Classification, morphology. 51. Chronic myeloid leucosis. Classification, morphology. 52. Chronic lymphoid leucosis. Classification, morphology. 53. Lymphomas. Classification, morphology. Lymphogranulomatosis. 54. Valvular heart diseases. Classification, morphology. 55. Atherosclerosis, definition, classification, causes. Macro- and microscopical stages of atherosclerosis. 56. Clinical -anatomical forms of atherosclerosis. 57. Idiopathic hypertensia- definition, classification, pathogenesis, morphology. 58. Stages of idiopathic hypertensia, morphology. Causes of the death. 59. Ischemic heart disease, definition, classification, causes, pathogenesis, risk factors. Morphology. 60. The myocardial infarction. Morphology, stages, complications, causes of the death. 61. Ischemic heart disease, definition, classification, causes, pathogenesis, risk factors. Chronic ischemic heart disease. 62. Rheumatic diseases. Acute rheumatic disease. Etiology, pathogenesis, mor- phogenesis. 63. Rheumatic heart disease. Etiology, pathogenesis. Clinical-anatomical forms of rheumatic disease. Morphology in the heart. Complications and causes of the death. 64. Systemic lupus erythematosus. Etiology, pathogenesis. Morphologycal changes in kidneys, skin, vessels. Complications and causes of the death. 65. Acute pneumonias, classification. Bronchopneumonia. Etiology, pathogene- sis, morphology. 66. Acute pneumonias, classification. Interstitial pneumonia. Etiology, pathoge- nesis, morphology. 67. Lobar pneumonia. Etiology, pathogenesis. Stages. 68. Lobar pneumonia. Etiology, pathogenesis. Complications. 69. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Etiology, pathogenesis, classification. Chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis. 70. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Etiology, pathogenesis, classification. Emphysema. 71. Lung cancer. Etiology, pathogenesis, risk factors, classification. Ways of spread (metastasis) 72. Lung cancer. Etiology, pathogenesis, risk factors, classification. Hilar and pe- ripheral type. Complications. 73. Gastric ulcers. Etiology, pathogenesis, risk factors. Macro- and microscopical features of gastric ulcers. 74. Gastric ulcers. Etiology, pathogenesis, risk factors. Complications. 75. Carcinoma of the stomach. Etiology, pathogenesis, risk factors. Classification. 76. Carcinoma of the stomach. Etiology, pathogenesis, risk factors. Macroscopic types. 77. Carcinoma of the stomach. Etiology, pathogenesis, risk factors. Microscopical types.

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78. Carcinoma of the stomach. Etiology, pathogenesis, risk factors. Ways of spread (metastasis). Complications. 79. Acute and chronic appendicitis. Etiology, pathogenesis. Morphology. Compli- cations. 80. Colon cancer. Etiology, pathogenesis, risk factors. Morphology. Ways of spread (metastasis). Complications. 81. Diseases of the liver. Classification. Hepatosis. Etiology, pathogenesis. Mor- phology. Toxic dystrophy of a liver. 82. Fatty dystrophy of liver. 83. Hepatitis. Etiology, pathogenesis. Morphology. Classification. 84. Virus hepatitis. Etiology, pathogenesis. Clinicopathologic forms of a virus he- patitis. Acute cyclic icteric virus hepatitis. Anhepatic changes in a virus hepa- titis. 85. Virus hepatitis. 5 clinicopathologic forms of a virus hepatitis. 86. Alcoholic hepatitis. Pathogenesis, morphology. 87. Cirrhosis of the liver. Classification. Morphology, complications, causes of the death. 88. Cancer of the liver. Classification. Morphology. 89. Diseases of kidneys. Classification. Glomerulonephritis. Etiology, pathogene- sis. Renal and extrarenal symptoms. 90. Acute, subacute and chronic glomerulonephritis. Acute, subacute and chronic. 91. Amyloidosis of the kidneys. Etiology, pathogenesis. Morphology, stages, out- comes. 92. Acute renal falure. Etiology. Morphology, outcomes. 93. Pyelonephritis. Etiology and pathogenesis. Morphology, outcomes. 94. Renal stone. Etiology. Complications. 95. Nephrosclerosis. Etiology. Morphology, outcomes. Chronic renal falure. 96. Dyshormonal diseases of the female genital organs. Pseudoerrosion. Endometrial hyperplasia. 97. Acute and chronic endometritis. 98. Ectopic pregnancy. Morphology, complications, outcomes. 99. Disesases of pregnancy and puerperal period: abortion, spontaneous abortion, premature birth, hydatidiform mole, placental polyp. 100. Toxemia of pregnancy (gestosis). Etiology, pathogenesis and complications. 101. Diseases of pituitary gland. 102. Addison's Disease. Etiology, pathogenesis. Morphology, complications. 103. Goitre. Etiology, pathogenesis, morphologic forms of goiter. 104. Graves' disease or Basedow's disease. Etiology, pathogenesis, morphology. 105. Diabetes Mellilus. Classification. Etiology, pathogenesis, morphology. Complications, causes of the death. 106. General characteristic of infectious diseases. 107. AIDS. Etiology, pathogenesis, stages, morphology. Complications, causes of the death. 108. Influenza. Etiology, pathogenesis, morphology. Complications.

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109. Typhoid/enteric fever (typhoid). Etiology, pathogenesis, morphology. Com- plications. 110. Amebiasis. Etiology, pathogenesis, morphology. Complications. 111. Shigellosis. Dysenteria. Etiology, pathogenesis, morphology. Complications. 112. Cholera. Etiology, pathogenesis, morphology. Complications. 113. Anthrax. Etiology, pathogenesis, morphology. Complications. 114. Tuberculosis. Etiology, pathogenesis. Primary tuberculosis. 115. Tuberculosis. Etiology, pathogenesis. Fate of primary tuberculosis. 116. Hematogenous tuberculosis generalized form. 117. Hematogenous tuberculosis with preferred lung damage. 118. Hematogenous tuberculosis with extra-lung damage. 119. Secondary Tuberculosis.Morphology. 120. Syphilis (lues). Etiology, pathogenesis, stages, morphology. Complications. 121. Sepsis. Etiology, pathogenesis, difference from other infections. 122. Clinicopathologic forms of sepsis. 123. Bacterial (septic) endocarditis. 124. Etiology, pathogenesis, classifications, morphology. Complications. 125. Measles. Etiology, pathogenesis, morphology. Complications. 126. Scarlet fever. Etiology, pathogenesis, morphology. Complications. 127. Meningococosis infections. Etiology, pathogenesis, forms of disease, mor- phology. Complications. 128. Structure of pathologoanatomic and clinical diagnosis. 129. Radiation sickness. Etiology, pathogenesis, forms of disease, morphology. 130. Prenatal pathology. Gametopathy, blastopathy, embryopathy. Main conge- nital malformations. 131. Perinatal pathology. Birth injury, asphyxia, neonatal pneumopathy, autoim- mune hemolysis in newborn. 132. Perinatal pathology. Infection. Cytomegalic fetopathy, toxoplasmosis, liste- riosis, congenital (prenatal) syphilis.

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