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Optimizing and Learning for Super-resolution


Optimizing and Learning for 

Lyndsey C. Pickup, Stephen J. Roberts

& Andrew Zisserman

Robotics Research Group, University of Oxford


The Super-resolution Problem 

Given a number of low-resolution images

differing in:

  • geometric transformations
  • lighting (photometric) transformations
  • camera blur (point-spread function)
  • image quantization and noise.

Estimate a high-resolution image:


Low-resolution image 1


Low-resolution image 2


Low-resolution image 3


Low-resolution image 4


Low-resolution image 5


Low-resolution image 6


Low-resolution image 7


Low-resolution image 8


Low-resolution image 9


Low-resolution image 10


Super-Resolution Image


Generative Model 

Registrations, lighting and blur. 

High-resolution image, x





Low-resolution images 






Generative Model 

  • Geometric registrations
  • Point-spread function
  • Photometric registrations

We don’t have: 

We have: 

  • Set of low-resolution input images, y.

Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) Solution 

Standard method: 

  1. Compute registrations from low-res images.
  2. Solve for SR image, x, using gradient descent.










[Irani & Peleg ‘90, Capel ’01, Baker & Kanade ’02, Borman ‘04]


What’s new 

  1. We solve for registrations and SR image jointly.
  1. We also find appropriate values for  

      parameters in the prior term at the

      same time. 

  • Hardie et al. ’97: adjust registration while optimizing super-resolution estimate.
      • Exhaustive search         limits them to translation only.
      • Simple smoothness prior         softens image edges.

i.e. given the low-res images, y, we solve for the SR image x and the mappings, W simultaneously. 











Overview of rest of talk 

  • Simultaneous Approach
    • Model details
    • Initialisation technique
    • Optimization loop
  • Learning values for the prior’s parameters 
  • Results on real images 

Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) Solution 

Image x. 

Corrupt with additive Gaussian noise. 

Warp, with parameters Φ. 

Blur by point-spread function. 

Decimate by zoom factor. 












Details of Huber Prior 

Huber function is quadratic in the middle, and linear in the tails. 

Probability distribution is like a heavy-tailed Gaussian. 

ρ (z,α) 

p (z|α,v) 

Red: large α

Blue: small α 

This is applied to image gradients in the SR image estimate.


Details of Huber Prior 

Ground Truth 

α=0.1 v=0.4 

Too little smoothing 

Too much smoothing 

α=0.05 v=0.05 

α=0.01 v=0.01 

α=0.01 v=0.005 

Edges are sharper 

Advantages: simple, edge-preserving, leads to convex form for MAP equations.  

Solutions as α and v vary:


Advantages of Simultaneous Approach 

  • Learn from lessons of Bundle Adjustment: improve results by optimizing the scene estimate and the registration together.
  • Registration can be guided by the super-resolution model, not by errors measured between warped, noisy low-resolution images. 
  • Use a non-Gaussian prior which helps to preserve edges in the super-resolution image. 



Overview of Simultaneous Approach 

  1. Start from a feature-based RANSAC-like registration between low-res frames.
  1. Select blur kernel, then use average image method to initialise registrations and SR image. 
  1. Iterative loop: 
  • Update Prior Values
  • Update SR estimate
  • Update registration estimate


  • Use average image as an estimate of the super-resolution image (see paper).
  • Minimize the error between the average image and the low-resolution image set. 
  • Use an early-stopped iterative ML estimate of the SR image to sharpen up this initial estimate. 


Average image 

ML-sharpened estimate

  1. Update prior’s parameter values (next section)
  1. Update estimate of SR image 
  1. Update estimate of registration and lighting values, which parameterize W 
  • Repeat till converged. 

Optimization Loop


Joint MAP Results 

Decreasing prior strength 

Registration Fixed 

Joint MAP


Learning Prior Parameters α, ν  

  • Split the low-res images into two sets:

Use first set to obtain an SR image. 

Find error on validation set.


Learning Prior Parameters α, ν  

  • Split the low-res images into two sets:

Use first set to obtain an SR image. 

Find error on validation set. 

  • But what if one of the validation images is mis-registered?

Learning Prior Parameters α, ν  

  • Instead, we select pixels from across all images, choosing differently at each iteration.
  • We evaluate an SR estimate using the unmarked pixels, then use the forward model to compare the estimate to the red pixels.

Learning Prior Parameters α, ν  

  • Instead, we select pixels from across all images, choosing differently at each iteration.
  • We evaluate an SR estimate using the unmarked pixels, then use the forward model to compare the estimate to the red pixels.

Learning Prior Parameters α, ν  

  • To update the prior parameters:
  1. Re-select a cross-validation pixel set.
  2. Run the super-resolution image MAP solver for a small number of iterations, starting from the current SR estimate.
  3. Predict the low-resolution pixels of the validation set, and measure error.
  4. Use gradient descent to minimise the error with respect to the prior parameters.



Results: Eye Chart 

MAP version: fixing registrations then super-resolving 

Joint MAP version with adaptation of prior’s parameter values


Results: Groundhog Day

  • The blur estimate can still be altered to change the SR result. More ringing and artefacts appear in the regular MAP version.

Results: Groundhog Day 

Blur radius = 1 

Blur radius = 1.4 

Blur radius = 1.8 

Regular MAP 



Lola Rennt


Real Data: Lola Rentt


Real Data: Lola Rentt


Real Data: Lola Rentt


Real Data: Lola Rentt



  • Joint MAP solution: better results by optimizing SR image and registration parameters simultaneously.
  • Learning prior values: preserve image edges without having to estimate image statistics in advance. 
  • DVDs: Automatically zoom in on regions with a registrations up to a projective transform and with an affine lighting model. 
  • Further work: marginalize over the registration – see NIPS 2006. 
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