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Convex Optimization

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Convex Optimization
Stephen Boyd Lieven Vandenberghe
Revised slides by Stephen Boyd, Lieven Vandenberghe, and Parth Nobel

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5. Duality

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Lagrangian and dual function
Lagrange dual problem KKT conditions Sensitivity analysis Problem reformulations Theorems of alternatives
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.1

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standard form problem (not necessarily convex)
minimize f0(x) subject to fi(x) ≤ 0, i = 1,..., m hi(x) = 0, i = 1,..., p variable x Rn, domain D, optimal value p
Lagrangian: L : Rn × Rm × Rp R, with dom L = D × Rm × Rp,
L(x, , ) = f0(x) +
ifi(x) +
– weighted sum of objective and constraint functions – i is Lagrange multiplier associated with fi(x) ≤ 0 – i is Lagrange multiplier associated with hi(x) = 0
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.2

Page 5
Lagrange dual function
Lagrange dual function: g : Rm × Rp R,
g( , ) = inf
L(x, , ) = inf
( f0(x) +
ifi(x) +
ihi(x) )
g is concave, can be −∞ for some , ▶ lower bound property: if ⪰ 0, then g( , ) ≤ p★ ▶ proof: if ˜x is feasible and ⪰ 0, then
f0(˜x) ≥ Lx, , ) ≥ inf
L(x, , ) = g( , ) minimizing over all feasible ˜x gives p★ ≥ g( , )
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.3

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Least-norm solution of linear equations
minimize xTx subject to Ax = b
▶ Lagrangian is L(x, ) = xTx + T (Ax b) ▶ to minimize L over x, set gradient equal to zero:
xL(x, ) = 2x + AT = 0 =⇒ x = −(1/2)AT
▶ plug x into L to obtain
g( ) = L((−1/2)AT , ) = − 1 4
▶ lower bound property: p★ ≥ −(1/4) TAAT
bT for all
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.4

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Standard form LP
minimize cTx subject to Ax = b, x ⪰ 0
▶ Lagrangian is
L(x, , ) = cTx + T (Ax b) − Tx = −bT + (c + AT − )
L is affine in x, so
g( , ) = inf
L(x, , ) = { −bT AT − + c = 0 −∞ otherwise
g is linear on affine domain {( , ) | AT
− + c = 0}, hence concave
▶ lower bound property: p★ ≥ −bT
if AT + c ⪰ 0
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.5

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Equality constrained norm minimization
minimize ∥x∥ subject to Ax = b
▶ dual function is
g( ) = inf
(∥x∥ − TAx + bT ) = { bT AT ∥∗ ≤ 1 −∞ otherwise where ∥v∥∗ = sup∥u∥≤1 uTv is dual norm of ∥·∥
▶ lower bound property: p★ ≥ bT
if ∥AT ∥∗ ≤ 1
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.6

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Two-way partitioning
minimize xTWx subject to x2
i= 1, i = 1,..., n
▶ a nonconvex problem; feasible set contains 2n discrete points ▶ interpretation: partition {1,..., n} in two sets encoded as xi = 1 and xi = −1 ▶ Wij is cost of assigning i, j to the same set; −Wij is cost of assigning to different sets ▶ dual function is
g( ) = inf
( xTWx + ∑︁
i− 1)
) = inf
xT (W + diag( )) x1T = { −1T W + diag( ) ⪰ 0 −∞ otherwise
▶ lower bound property: p★ ≥ −1T
if W + diag( ) ⪰ 0
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.7

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Lagrange dual and conjugate function
minimize f0(x) subject to Ax b, Cx = d
▶ dual function
g( , ) = inf
xdom f0
( f0(x)+(AT + CT )
Tx bT
dT ) = −f
(−ATCT ) − bTdT where f∗(y) = supxdom f (yTx f (x)) is conjugate of f0
▶ simplifies derivation of dual if conjugate of f0 is known ▶ example: entropy maximization
f0(x) =
xi log xi, f
(y) =
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.8

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Lagrangian and dual function
Lagrange dual problem
KKT conditions Sensitivity analysis Problem reformulations Theorems of alternatives
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.9

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The Lagrange dual problem
(Lagrange) dual problem maximize g( , ) subject to ⪰ 0
▶ finds best lower bound on p★, obtained from Lagrange dual function ▶ a convex optimization problem, even if original primal problem is not ▶ dual optimal value denoted d★ ▶ , are dual feasible if ⪰ 0, ( , ) ∈ dom g ▶ often simplified by making implicit constraint ( , ) ∈ dom g explicit
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.10

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Example: standard form LP
(see page 5.5)
▶ primal standard form LP:
minimize cTx subject to Ax = b x ⪰ 0
▶ dual problem is
maximize g( , ) subject to ⪰ 0 with g( , ) = −bT if AT − + c = 0, −∞ otherwise
▶ make implicit constraint explicit, and eliminate to obtain (transformed) dual problem
maximize −bT subject to AT + c ⪰ 0
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.11

Page 14
Weak and strong duality
weak duality: d★ ≤ p
▶ always holds (for convex and nonconvex problems) ▶ can be used to find nontrivial lower bounds for difficult problems, e.g., solving the SDP
maximize −1T subject to W + diag( ) ⪰ 0 gives a lower bound for the two-way partitioning problem on page 5.7 strong duality: d★ = p
▶ does not hold in general ▶ (usually) holds for convex problems ▶ conditions that guarantee strong duality in convex problems are called constraint
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.12

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Slater’s constraint qualification
strong duality holds for a convex problem minimize f0(x) subject to fi(x) ≤ 0, i = 1,..., m Ax = b if it is strictly feasible, i.e., there is an x int D with fi(x) < 0, i = 1,..., m, Ax = b
▶ also guarantees that the dual optimum is attained (if p★ > −∞) ▶ can be sharpened: e.g.,
– can replace int D with relint D (interior relative to affine hull) – linear inequalities do not need to hold with strict inequality
▶ there are many other types of constraint qualifications
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.13

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Inequality form LP
primal problem minimize cTx subject to Ax b dual function g( ) = inf
( (c + AT )
Tx bT
) = { −bT AT + c = 0 −∞ otherwise dual problem maximize −bT subject to AT + c = 0, ⪰ 0
▶ from the sharpened Slater’s condition: p★ = d★ if the primal problem is feasible ▶ in fact, p★ = d★ except when primal and dual are both infeasible
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.14

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Quadratic program
primal problem (assume P Sn
minimize xTPx subject to Ax b dual function g( ) = inf
( xTPx + T (Ax b) ) = − 1 4
bT dual problem maximize −(1/4) TAP−1ATbT subject to ⪰ 0
▶ from the sharpened Slater’s condition: p★ = d★ if the primal problem is feasible ▶ in fact, p★ = d★ always
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Geometric interpretation
▶ for simplicity, consider problem with one constraint f1(x) ≤ 0 ▶ G = {(f1(x), f0(x)) | x ∈ D} is set of achievable (constraint, objective) values ▶ interpretation of dual function: g( ) = inf(u,t)∈G (t + u)
G pg() u + t = g() t u G pdt u
u + t = g( ) is (non-vertical) supporting hyperplane to G ▶ hyperplane intersects t-axis at t = g( )
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Epigraph variation
▶ same with G replaced with A = {(u, t) | f1(x) ≤ u, f0(x) ≤ t for some x ∈ D}
A pg() u + t = g() t u
▶ strong duality holds if there is a non-vertical supporting hyperplane to A at (0, p★) ▶ for convex problem, A is convex, hence has supporting hyperplane at (0, p★) ▶ Slater’s condition: if there exist (˜ut)∈A with ˜u < 0, then supporting hyperplane at (0, p★)
must be non-vertical
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.17

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Lagrangian and dual function Lagrange dual problem
KKT conditions
Sensitivity analysis Problem reformulations Theorems of alternatives
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.18

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Complementary slackness
▶ assume strong duality holds, x★ is primal optimal, ( ★, ★) is dual optimal
f0(x★) = g( ★ ,
★) = inf x
( f0(x) +

i fi(x) + p

i hi(x)
) ≤ f0(x★) +

i fi(x★) + p

i hi(x★)
▶ hence, the two inequalities hold with equality ▶ x★ minimizes L(x, ★, ★) ▶ ★
fi(x★) = 0 for i = 1,..., m (known as complementary slackness):
i > 0 =⇒ fi(x★) = 0,
fi(x★) < 0 =⇒ ★
i = 0
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.19

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Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions
the KKT conditions (for a problem with differentiable fi, hi) are
1. primal constraints: fi(x) ≤ 0, i = 1,..., m, hi(x) = 0, i = 1,..., p 2. dual constraints: ⪰ 0 3. complementary slackness: ifi(x) = 0, i = 1,..., m 4. gradient of Lagrangian with respect to x vanishes:
f0(x) +
ifi(x) +
ihi(x) = 0 if strong duality holds and x, , are optimal, they satisfy the KKT conditions
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.20

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KKT conditions for convex problem
if ˜x, ˜ , ˜ satisfy KKT for a convex problem, then they are optimal:
▶ from complementary slackness: f0(˜x) = Lx, ˜ , ˜ ) ▶ from 4th condition (and convexity): g( ˜ , ˜ ) = Lx, ˜ , ˜ )
hence, f0(˜x) = g( ˜ , ˜ ) if Slater’s condition is satisfied, then x is optimal if and only if there exist , that satisfy KKT conditions
▶ recall that Slater implies strong duality, and dual optimum is attained ▶ generalizes optimality condition ∇f0(x) = 0 for unconstrained problem
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.21

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Lagrangian and dual function Lagrange dual problem KKT conditions
Sensitivity analysis
Problem reformulations Theorems of alternatives
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.22

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Perturbation and sensitivity analysis
(unperturbed) optimization problem and its dual minimize f0(x) subject to fi(x) ≤ 0, i = 1,..., m hi(x) = 0, i = 1,..., p maximize g( , ) subject to ⪰ 0 perturbed problem and its dual minimoize f0(x) subject to fi(x) ≤ ui, i = 1,..., m hi(x) = vi, i = 1,..., p maximize g( , ) − uTvT subject to ⪰ 0
x is primal variable; u, v are parameters ▶ p★(u, v) is optimal value as a function of u, vp★(0, 0) is optimal value of unperturbed problem
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.23

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Global sensitivity via duality
▶ assume strong duality holds for unperturbed problem, with ★, ★ dual optimal ▶ apply weak duality to perturbed problem:
p★(u, v) ≥ g( ★ ,
★) − uT

★ − vT

★ = p★(0, 0) − uT

★ − vT

– if ★
large: p★ increases greatly if we tighten constraint i (ui < 0)
– if ★
small: p★ does not decrease much if we loosen constraint i (ui > 0)
– if ★
large and positive: p★ increases greatly if we take vi < 0
– if ★
large and negative: p★ increases greatly if we take vi > 0
– if ★
small and positive: p★ does not decrease much if we take vi > 0
– if ★
small and negative: p★ does not decrease much if we take vi < 0
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.24

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Local sensitivity via duality
if (in addition) p★(u, v) is differentiable at (0, 0), then
i = −
p★(0, 0) ui ,
i = −
p★(0, 0) vi proof (for ★
): from global sensitivity result, p★(0, 0) ui = lim
p★(tei, 0) − p★(0, 0) t ≥ − ★
p★(0, 0) ui = lim
p★(tei, 0) − p★(0, 0) t ≤ − ★
hence, equality p★(u) for a problem with one (inequality) constraint:
u p
★(0) − ★
u u = 0
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.25

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Lagrangian and dual function Lagrange dual problem KKT conditions Sensitivity analysis
Problem reformulations
Theorems of alternatives
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.26

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Duality and problem reformulations
▶ equivalent formulations of a problem can lead to very different duals ▶ reformulating primal problem can be useful when dual is difficult to derive, or uninteresting
common reformulations
▶ introduce new variables and equality constraints ▶ make explicit constraints implicit or vice-versa ▶ transform objective or constraint functions, e.g., replace f0(x) by (f0(x)) with convex,
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.27

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Introducing new variables and equality constraints
▶ unconstrained problem: minimize f0(Ax + b) ▶ dual function is constant: g = infx L(x) = infx f0(Ax + b) = p★ ▶ we have strong duality, but dual is quite useless ▶ introduce new variable y and equality constraints y = Ax + b
minimize f0(y) subject to Ax + b y = 0
▶ dual of reformulated problem is
maximize bT f
( ) subject to AT = 0
▶ a nontrivial, useful dual (assuming the conjugate f
is easy to express)
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.28

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Example: Norm approximation
▶ minimize ∥Ax b∥ ▶ reformulate as minimize ∥y∥ subject to y = Ax b ▶ recall conjugate of general norm:
z∥∗ = { 0 ∥z∥∗ ≤ 1 ∞ otherwise
▶ dual of (reformulated) norm approximation problem:
maximize bT subject to AT = 0, ∥ ∥∗ ≤ 1
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.29

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Lagrangian and dual function Lagrange dual problem KKT conditions Sensitivity analysis Problem reformulations
Theorems of alternatives
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Theorems of alternatives
▶ consider two systems of inequality and equality constraints ▶ called weak alternatives if no more than one system is feasible ▶ called strong alternatives if exactly one of them is feasible ▶ examples: for any a R, with variable x R,
x > a and x a − 1 are weak alternatives – x > a and x a are strong alternatives
▶ a theorem of alternatives states that two inequality systems are (weak or strong)
▶ can be considered the extension of duality to feasibility problems
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.31

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Feasibility problems
▶ consider system of (not necessarily convex) inequalities and equalities
fi(x) ≤ 0, i = 1,..., m, hi(x) = 0, i = 1,..., p
▶ express as feasibility problem
minimize 0 subject to fi(x) ≤ 0, i = 1,..., m, hi(x) = 0, i = 1,..., p
▶ if system if feasible, p★ = 0; if not, p★ = ∞
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.32

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Duality for feasibility problems
▶ dual function of feasibility problem is g( , ) = infx
i=1 ifi(x) + p i=1
ihi(x) )
▶ for ⪰ 0, we have g( , ) ≤ p★ ▶ it follows that feasibility of the inequality system
⪰ 0, g( , ) > 0 implies the original system is infeasible
▶ so this is a weak alternative to original system ▶ it is strong if fi convex, hi affine, and a constraint qualification holds ▶ g is positive homogeneous so we can write alternative system as
⪰ 0, g( , ) ≥ 1
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.33

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Example: Nonnegative solution of linear equations
▶ consider system
Ax = b, x ⪰ 0
▶ dual function is g( , ) =
{ − Tb AT = −∞ otherwise
▶ can express strong alternative of Ax = b, x ⪰ 0 as
AT ⪰ 0,
Tb ≤ −1
(we can replace Tb ≤ −1 with Tb = −1)
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.34

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Farkas’ lemma
▶ Farkas’ lemma:
Ax ⪯ 0, cTx < 0 and ATy + c = 0, y ⪰ 0 are strong alternatives
▶ proof: use (strong) duality for (feasible) LP
minimize cTx subject to Ax ⪯ 0
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.35

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Investment arbitrage
▶ we invest xj in each of n assets 1,..., n with prices p1,..., pn ▶ our initial cost is pTx ▶ at the end of the investment period there are only m possible outcomes i = 1,..., mVij is the payoff or final value of asset j in outcome i ▶ first investment is risk-free (cash): p1 = 1 and Vi1 = 1 for all iarbitrage means there is x with pTx < 0, Vx ⪰ 0 ▶ arbitrage means we receive money up front, and our investment cannot lose ▶ standard assumption in economics: the prices are such that there is no arbitrage
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Absence of arbitrage
▶ by Farkas’ lemma, there is no arbitrage ⇐⇒ there exists y Rm
+ with VTy = p
▶ since first column of V is 1, we have 1Ty = 1 ▶ y is interpreted as a risk-neutral probability on the outcomes 1,..., mVTy are the expected values of the payoffs under the risk-neutral probability ▶ interpretation of VTy = p:
asset prices equal their expected payoff under the risk-neutral probability
arbitrage theorem: there is no arbitrage ⇔ there exists a risk-neutral probability
distribution under which each asset price is its expected payoff
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.37

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V =         1.0 0.5 0.0 1.0 0.8 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 4.0         , p =       1.0 0.9 0.3       , ˜p =       1.0 0.8 0.7      
▶ with prices p, there is an arbitrage
x =       6.2 −7.7 1.5       , pTx = −0.2, 1Tx = 0, Vx =         2.35 0.04 0.00 2.19        
▶ with prices ˜p, there is no arbitrage, with risk-neutral probability
y =         0.36 0.27 0.26 0.11         VTy =       1.0 0.8 0.7      
Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe 5.38
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