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Gasline May 2013

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Brandywine Motorsport Club, Inc.
May 2013
Tuesday, May 7th, 2013 6:00 P.M. greet & eat / 7 P.M. Meeting The Charcoal Pit at Price’s Corner, 714 Greenbank Road, Wilmington, DE
28.8 seconds, or 0.48 minutes – That was the winning score(s) in the Spring Fun Rally. After a 25+ year break, the team of Alderman and Alderman again ran a rally together. Heather and I decided that it was healthier for our relationship (then dating) to not rally together. Hanna and I have had some success together, but until last weekend’s event we had not done this as husband and wife. This time I navigated, and if we were early or late it would be my fault for not keeping the driver on time. The only problem was I haven't navigated for over a year. I needed the first leg to get in the swing of things. Maybe the Curta Calculator was more of a disadvantage. It was also a little work to keep going at the correct speed. Heather is not usually driving that slow. Fun was had by all. Tell others about the nice easy rally and we can get more to come out to our next rally. Many other reports in this newsletter, so I'll stop so you can read them. See you at the Pit for the May 7th monthly meeting. Paul
Chair Chatter – Paul Alderman Autocross Update – Duke Wilford
Check out Duke’s full autocross report with the Autocross I results page in this Gasline. Also, complete Autocross I results with times shown for each run are available on the BMC website. - ed.
The Checkpoint Line - Dave Teter
April 6th found the 16th annual Match Lamb with 15 entries in the field. Six cars ran the Course (trap) rally and the other nine the easier Tour rally. All six entries in the Course rally were SCCA national competitors and five of the nine Tour rally entries had national rally experience. The remaining two entries took advantage of the SOP and Tech Class. Chris Hope and Amy Grove of Lansdale PA prevailed over Ed Trahan and Rick VanSant in SOP class. George Alderman and Willis Weldin, running in Tech Class (GPS), averaged 25 points per control to win unopposed. Peter Chezik and Frank Bochanski dominated SCCA class S (calculator allowed) with a total of 21 points, which rivaled the 1st & 2nd scores (running equipped computer) with 15 and 17 points respectively. The winner of the March Lamb Course rally each year is shared by the generally same field of competitors/ However, of note in the Tour rally is the 3-year winning streak compiled by John Emmons and Lois van Vleet of Galesville WI, with scores of 7 in 2011, 6 in 2012 and 15 in 2013. Great performances!!!!! Dave
Upcoming Events Calendar
A full list of most local area sports car club events for 2013 can be found on the BMC web site at:
www.brandywinemotorsportclub.org Click on the Events
heading and then Agenda under Month.
May 4 Lewes Car Show, Lewes, DE – BCCD May 18 Carlisle Import Car Show, Carlisle, PA – AHS&T May 19 Northern DE Tour – BCCD May 24 3rd Annual Car Show, University& Whist Club, Wilmington, DE – BCCD June 22 Autocross II, Glasgow, DE – BMC&PCA
AHS&T – Austin Healey Sports & Touring Club BMC – Brandywine Motorsport Club BCCD – British Car Club of Delaware PCA – Delaware Chapter, Porsche Club of America SJR/SCCA – New Jersey Region/Sports Car Club of America

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April is over and so are the three rallies that were run last month. Dave Teter's report on the March Lamb as well as Scott Clabaugh's report on the Braille Rally are in this Gasline. There are currently no BMC rallies on the schedule, but Jim Irons is working on one for later in the year. Maybe a picnic rally would bring out a few more members. Spring Fun Rally Report: We had a great day for a rally with lots of sun and warm weather. Those that came had a Fun time driving around the course. With the exception of Paul and Heather Alderman, the other entrants had little or no rally experience. New members Tim & Chondra Shelton and Bernard & Mary Ann O'Donnell were running their first rallies so they were out into in one class. The other three entrants had only run 2 or 3 rallies so they were also put in one class. While the original novice class was up to 5 rallies, we figured with the low car count why not give out more trophies?
Rally Chair - George Alderman
The checkpoint crews were Dave Dabell and Wayne Elvin (1 and 3) and Jim Irons and Jim Martin (#2). Liz Haines and I ran sweep car in her MGB. The only big problem was a computer error that delayed the results after dinner. After correcting the error, the following scores are official. Ed Trahan and Rick Van Sant tied with Heather and Paul Alderman for lowest score with 48, but with the worst leg subtracted the Mazda 3 beat the G35 coupe. The 2 first-time teams tied on their best 2 legs. Scott and Judie Clabaugh finished second in class ahead of lead-footed Duane Klair and Wayne Culley who finished the rally first despite being the third car to leave. Thanks again for coming out and running and working the event, maybe we need to figure out how to talk more autocrossers into coming out and competing in a rally. Ideas anyone? George Driver/ Car Error CP1 Error CP2 Error CP3 Total Best 2 Class Navigator Car No. Early (Late -) Early (Late -) Early (Late -) Score Legs only 2 to 3 Ed Trahan Mazda- Rallies Rick VanSant Speed 3 1 0.01 -0.36 0.11 48 12 1st Tim Sheldon BMW Rally Chondra Sheldon M5 2 0.86 -0.49 -5.00 635 135 2 to 3 Duane Klair M-B Rallies Wayne Culley 500SL 3 1.14 1.72 2.23 509 286 1st Bernard O'Donnell Mazda Rally Mary Ann O'Donnell Miata 4 -2.66 -0.72 0.63 401 135 2 to 3 Scott Clabaugh Porsche Rallies Judie Clabaugh Boxster 5 -0.13 -0.12 -0.27 52 25 Many Heather Alderman Infiniti Rallies Paul Alderman G35 6 -0.28 -0.09 0.11 48 20

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Braille Rally 2013
....A Great Day to be Out DRIVING!! Sunday, April 7th proved to be a lovely day for the 42nd Running of the Braille Rally, and this great Brandywine Motorsport Club event has given bragging rights for the year to two new winners! Again, working with our friends at Porsche Club of America - Delaware Region, smiling faces were quite abundant all afternoon as our clubs put on a great afternoon of fun for the Delaware Association for the Blind (DAB). After two cancellations in 2012, this day made up for the missed attempts! WHAT IS A BRAILLE RALLY? – The Braille Rally combines a visually impaired navigator reading the driving directions in Braille to the driver. It’s up to the driver to follow those directions and stay on course AND on time! OFF WE GO – We gathered at Brandywine Springs Park at 1 PM where the navigators were paired up with their drivers for the day. After a brief instructional meeting, the first car departed to run the Rally course promptly at 2:01 and 14 more cars were off at one minute intervals. BMC Rallymaster George Alderman dug deep into the archives and pulled out the 1982 version of the Braille Rally. The pass through checkpoints on the course made things a little easier on the drivers this year, BUT some of them stopped anyway! Your score for the legs were the difference of when you passed by the checkpoint and when you were calculated to pass that point. This is a simple calculation of time, speed and distance. Just when you thought it was ok to speed up and then stop and rest for a while, you got zapped with a hidden check point! BACK AT LANDIS LODGE – It took just under two hours to cover the course and everyone made it safely back to the Landis Lodge. While we were waiting for the pizza to arrive, all participants had a great time socializing with their navigators, talking about what went right (or wrong!) and also with the other drivers. It was a great time for the visually impaired to catch up with each other, too. WHO WON? – First place went to the team of Kat Bottner and PCA Driver Vince Crognale. Their total time amounted to being just 177 point off of perfect course time. Both Kat and Vince are seasoned Braille Rallyists so CONGRATS to them! Second place went to the team of Art Cohen and PCA Driver Bill Cooper. Their total time amounted to just 226 short of a perfect course time score. Again, both are experienced Rallyists! Third place went to the team of Bev Weiland and her Service Dog, Ira, and her driver-husband Bruce Chernesky! Their total time amounted to just 405 points. Bev and Bruce finished 14th in the last Braille rally, so what a great improvement! WHAT DID THEY WIN? – All drivers and navigators received a Braille Rally T-Shirt and the all navigators received participation trophies, which this year was a Loving Cup on a marble base. First, Second and Third Place navigators and drivers received a larger trophy, with the navigators also receiving a $100/$50/$25Visa Gift Card. And we can’t forget about Last Place. Last place got an award, too! Named after our Braille Rally founder, “The Renee O’Leary Best Chance of Improvement for the next Braille Rally”, gets you a $25 Visa Gift Card, too. This award is named for Renee as she started this rally back in the early 70’s while recovering from throat cancer. The winners of the Last Place award will remain nameless! Those of us that were there know who they are!! Porsche of Delaware generously supports this event each year donating T-Shirts to all navigators, drivers and course workers. They’ve been doing this since our Region became involved in this event back in 2002 and we thank them very much for their continued support. DRIVERS and COURSE WORKERS – We had two BMC drivers, one Mom, one Husband, and 10 PCA members. Ohio PCA Member David Owen made the trek back to Delaware again this year finishing 2 places better in sixth this year. Come back any time, David! Zone 2 Rep Tom Zafferano drove for the first time this year finishing 7th, a very respectable finish. Thanks also go to PCA Member Dave Dabell and BMC Members Pat Phalen, Willis Weldin, Don and Charlotte Short, and especially, Rally Master George Alderman! BMC members Liz Haines and Jim Martin were also drivers! Other PCA members that participated were Debbie Cooper, Jon Walton, Alex Witham, Mike Fox, and Bill Boyd. Also thanks to PCA Member John Kassey and new DAB Executive Director Janet Berry for running the “sweep car” to pick up the lost sheep. HAPPY NEWS – Happy News- We welcome Janet Berry as the new Executive Director of the DAB! She rode in the sweep car with John Kassey. While they were not competing and just out following directions, their "unofficial" time was only good enough to tie for 4th! Hmmm..... Maybe next year, Janet can learn Braille! PICTURES? – Sure! Check out www.delawarepca.net. Look under the Gallery section and look for the Braille Rally 2013. A MILLION THANKS! – This Braille Rally is a success because two car clubs work together - BMC members providing their knowledge and expertise for the course and the scoring, and PCA for providing the drivers, trophies and food. Porsche of Delaware deserves a second thank you for again providing the T Shirts for all! Special thanks go to BMC Rallymaster George Alderman for coordinating the route this year. Thanks also go to Angela Crognale for helping at the Finish Line Picnic. A loving thanks goes out to my wife, Judie, for baking plenty of cupcakes for dessert. YUM! Lastly, our clubs could not have done it without the help of Janet Berry and her staff at the Delaware Association for the Blind. It takes a lot of coordination on their part to arrange for the 3 vans to get the navigators to and from the event, some from downstate. Catch you all again soon! Scott Clabaugh

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Braille Rally 2013 2nd ofApril BMC Meeting Highlights
The April 2013 meeting was held at Charcoal Pit on Kirkwood Highway and was attended by 15 members. It was chaired by George Alderman. Treasurer’s Report – Willis Weldin • Balance – $7,814.49 • Membership – 54 members Rally Report – George Alderman • March Lamb XVI Rally – 4/6/13 – Flyer online. • 42nd Braille Rally – 4/7/13 – Needs Drivers! Flyer available online. • March Lion Rally – 4/7/13 – Flyer online • Spring Fun Rally – 4/27/27 – Flyer online. Only a few people have signed up, we need more people. Autocross Report – Duke Wilford • Autocross I - 4/14/13 – Flyer online. • Gunning Bedford School District said no to use of school lot. • Waiting to hear about use of Dover Civilian Air Terminal - still moving forward. • Please help in our search for bigger lots (contact Duke at
Website – Jim Martin Waiting on some help from Shawn Dewey. It was pointed out that both of our sites should refer to each other (web site and Face Book). • Please visit the events section for coming events. Click events, then go to month and click on Agenda. • I have been posting all events that maybe of interest to Club members. Gasline – Jim Irons Articles/pictures to Jim Irons by 4/30/13. Secretary Jim Martin

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The Hard Drive Garage – By Mark Schroy
Happy May! This month, folks, we delve into kit cars - or in better terms, really bad kits for cars that really won’t benefit from add-on kits. My reasoning behind that statement? The donor cars are bad enough on their own! The gateway for this disaster on wheels is the website
www.easyrods.com, located in Forked River, NJ, and they offer
body kits for two cars-1993 to 2002 Chevrolet Camaro, called the Belaro on their site, and 1989 to 1997 Ford Thunderbird/Mercury Cougar. Now, a word of warning. These following pictures may offend the elderly, small children, and anyone with their senses intact: Yup. Can’t say I didn’t warn you... Now, the website says that their fiberglass kits are easy to do and require minimal time. Here’s a direct quote from their site: “EasyRods” is the Revolutionary Fiberglass Kit That Allows YOU to build an INCREDIBLE Custom Street Rod in HOURS...NOT YEARS!!! Okay, at least the grammar is correct. The random capitalization of letters is annoying-either capitalize EVERYTHING or NOTHING. Seriously! Clicking on the link for more info on the Belaro brings up the supplied parts list and the cost-$5595. Holy fiberglass Batman! One of the comments right off the top mentions that a classic 57 Bel-Air “can start at upwards of $50,000..”A quick search on eBay Motors finds a number of restored 57 Chevys. The most expensive one is currently at $169,900, the second highest at $149,900, then there are a number of price drops to $18,000. Apparently, this kit “uses quality fiberglass construction that simply bolts, screws, and glues onto the donor car to create a classic masterpiece in hours...not years.” The paragraph also mentions that the kit comes with “basically” everything you need-shouldn’t it come with EVERYTHING for almost 6 grand? Here’s an example parts list for the “Basic Kit”: -Fiberglass Hood -2 Front Fenders w/bumpers attached -Center Front Bumper -Hood & Front Fender Extensions -2 Smooth Door Covers -2 Complete 1/4 Panels w/Bumpers & Light Buckets -Gas Cap Door -Center ’57 Bumper -Inner & Outer Trunk Lid -Headlight Rings, Buckets, Pigtails & Tail lights -Everything needed to assemble, except chrome -Video & Instructions -Free Delivery (plus shipping-mentioned on the page...) So, there’s 2 front bumpers? I guess nothing is chromed when you receive it? Wait-free delivery plus shipping?!? Isn’t that an oxymoron? From what their site says, anyone with hand tools can get this kit done in 50 hours. The front bodywork from the firewall forward all gets removed, and the rear bodywork gets glued over the original Camaro body. The doors are the only original sheetmetal left exposed by the time you’re all done. I’m not sure, but I would think the sanding and priming in prep for paint is included in their “50 man hours” estimate, but obviously not included in the cost of the kit. The funny thing is, this is just a dress-up kit. No engine or exhaust upgrades, which obviously cost more money. Very quickly, this whole disaster will add up. So, for almost the same price of a nicely restored original ’57 Chevy Bel Air-adding up the body kit AND new paint and chrome-you can take a mid to late 90’s Camaro and make it worse. If you ask them nicely, they offer some type on installation assistance at their New Jersey location. Wow. Seems like a huge waste of time for something that will never get you anything more than finger pointing and comments of “What the #@&& is that thing? Wait-you did this yourself? Did the floor jack slip and hit you in the head?” The Thunderbird kit is just as bad, but cheaper-only $3595. I’ll let your imagination run wild on that one. Enjoy! -M

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Brandywine Motorsport Club & South Jersey Region SCCA March Lamb XVI Rally Results – April 6, 2013
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total
Class E Chuck Larouere / Bob Morseburg* 1 1 1 0 1 0 2 1 2 0 9 Steve Gaddy / Chris Bean 1 2 1 3 2 2 0 2 4 2 19 J.Miner / S. Forehand 1 1 104 200 18 3 1 0 200 4 532 Mike Thompson / F. Rosevear 0 2 200 200 0 2 200 200 0 200 1004 Class L Jim Crittenden / Bruce Gezon* 1 4 0 200 1 5 3 2 5 3 224 Class S Jim Wakemen / Mark Haas* 4 0 12 200 9 15 4 79 200 103 626 *Trophy Awarded
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total
Class E Lois VanVleet / John Emmons* 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 15 J.Nemeth / John Sears 1 2 1 2 1 4 0 1 3 2 17 Dave Head / Ginny Bergey 1 2 1 1 2 4 3 2 2 166 184 Class L D. Ninoshuili / D. Horoschak 0 5 2 0 200 200 200 200 58 1 866 Class S Peter Chezik / Frank Bochanski* 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 0 5 3 21 Class SOP C. Hope / A. Grove* 87 37 84 26 156 200 200 52 89 200 1131 T. Forsthoffer / J. McCarty 200 200 200 71 200 200 88 200 200 200 1759 E. Trahan / R. VanSant 200 158 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 1958 Class Novice No entries *Trophy Awarded
The usual and enormous thanks to all workers and participants. We ALL know that without both ingredients, we don't go far in our sport. An expanded write-up appears in the BMC GASLINE newsletter. Members of BMC will receive the newsletter and others may access it at our website: www.brandywinemotorsportsclub.org. WORKERS - Jim Irons: Registrar; Marie Irons: Registration; Wayne Elvin: Course Development & Prechecker; Pat Phalan: Official Safety Precheck; Dave Laffitte: Lead Car & Checkpoint#10; Holly Fleming, Matt Reyne, Rich Stephani, Grant Banning: Checkpoints #2 & #7; Jim & Marie Irons, Drew Teter, Pat Phalan Checkpoints #5 & #9. CONTESTANTS - A huge thanks for your support. Class E had seasoned SCCA competitors.as the scores show. The first car arrived at the finish about 5 o'clock and scores audited and scoring done and we awarded trophies a little after 6:30 PM. I think all who were able to stay had a nice time telling their stories of the day's adventure. It took the SCCA national entry group as well as the more local group of Class SOP & Novice entries to make this event a success. Rallymaster Dave Teter

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SS 68 Paul Alderman Caterham Super 7 *46.562 SS 81 Carmen DeVito Porsche Carrera S 47.667 SS 17 Hovik Latavitz Porsche 911 48.052 SS 32 George Alderman Caterham Super 7 49.240 SS 22 Mark Loch Porsche Cayman S 51.621 SS 6 Tim Sheldon Porsche 911 51.786 SS 45 Steve Konizer Porsche 911 4S 52.063 AS 13 Scott Clapper Corvette 53.847 AS 91 Scott Wooten Porsche 911 54.146 BS 8 Larry Waltemire Porsche Boxster 52.858 BS 43 John Allard Mini Cooper S 53.415 BS 1 T Lad Webb BMW M Roadster 54.663 BS 2 Dave Redmond Porsche Boxster S 56.150 CS 4 Stephen Zack Mazda MX-5 51.549 CS 23 Jim Irons Mazda Miata 53.295 CS 11 Oscar Rivera Scion FRS 53.585 CS 14 Craig Ross Subaru BRZ 56.628 DS 57 Ed Trahan MazdaSpeed3 60.027 FS 5 David Ameon Ford Mustang GT 52.915 GS 16 Elizabeth Wilford Subaru 2.5TS 54.666 GS 24 Nick Gattone Saturn ION Redline 54.961 GS 108 Bill King Nissan 240SX 57.183 HS 33 Phil Worrell Honda CRX HF 55.262 HS 12 Jeremy Pochwat VW GTI 57.743 HS 10 Daniel Ritter Ford Focus 59.453 HS 112 Drew Hitchcock VW GTI 64.214 ESP 3 Geoff Germon Ford Mustang 53.225 SSM 65 Duke Wilford Mazda MX-5 48.919 SSM 89 Dave Dabell Porsche Boxster SPB 50.254 SSM 165 Ed Trahan Mazda MX-5 55.473 ST 7 Matt Collins VW Rabbit 54.313 STX 100 Rick Bernard Subaru WRX 52.152 STX 25 Grant Banning VW GTI 1.8T 55.254 STX 15 Nick Gadzinski Ford Mustang 58.150
BMC - PCA AUTOCROSS I RESULTS Keene School Site – APRIL 14, 2013
Class # Name Car Time * Fastest Time of the Day Our season opener event, Autocross I, is in the can! The weather cooperated, the volunteers worked hard, and 33 drivers turned out for a day among the cones. A couple days’ worth of heavy rains left the Keene lot mercifully free of goose droppings, though wet in many areas. The course did dry out as the after- noon progressed, but grip was still a struggle to find in places. Many regulars returned, some in different or borrowed cars, as well as a number of new faces. Entries ran the gamut from very new, very shiny, and very fast Porsches to well-worn and not-so-shiny-or-fast VWs. The Aldermans debuted their new Caterham Super 7, in traditional Lotus BRG/yellow livery. Dave Dabell was on a shakedown cruise in his Spec Boxster racecar. Ed Trahan gave FWD a try in his red MS3, then switched to his trusty silver MX-5 for the afternoon. Ed kindly let me drive his MX-5 after also putting in many hours trying to ready my car for state inspection. Phil Worrell brought out a minty-fresh 1989 Honda CRX, which looked as if it had never been driven. We also hosted a number of novices, all of who seemed to get the hang of it pretty quickly. Steve Zack in his blue NC, Nick Gattone in his red ION, and Daniel Ritter in his red Focus (among others) were all cone-dodging for the first time. Times fell dramatically throughout the day for most of our new guys, except one run from “Most Enthusiastic New Member” award- winner Tim Sheldon. Tim was having extra fun and just about to go for his fifth lap around the course when he remembered to stop, back up, and head for the exit. With the lap count firmly in mind, Tim clicked off a couple of very respectable runs after that. We also signed up several new club members - welcome aboard! Five cars broke into the sub-50-second zone. Ed Trahan’s MX-5 (yours truly at the wheel) jumped to an early lead with a high 48, which lasted exactly as long as the first run group. George Alderman brought the new Caterham into the low 49s. Dave Dabell brought the Spec Boxster to a mid 49 that unfortunately was plagued by a cone, bumping the official time back up to 51. Hovik Latavitz and his blue 911 steadily improved, making it down to a very low 48. But the hot contest of the day was between Carmen DeVito in the Code Red 911 and Paul Alderman in the BRG Caterham, both of whom put in several clean 47s. Paul pulled out all the stops on his last run, laying down a smoking 46.562, winning FTOD and a t-shirt from Grassroots Motorsports. Many thanks to all who came out and pitched in, especially the volunteers like Jim Martin and Martha & Willis Weldin, who showed up to help and didn’t even get to drive. Hopefully we will see you all in June! -Duke “Wish my car was a 1994” Wilford Autocross Chair Class # Name Car Time

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