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The Franklin Gothic
Established 1902
Designer claims:
Used in Advertising Too!
Arguably the most widely used font ever produced, Franklin Gothic was designed by Morris Fuller Benton between 1903 and 1912 for American Type Founders Company. Because of its stead popularity, the typeface was updated in 1979 for ITC by Vic Caruso. This new version included more weights and became the standard choice for newspa- pers and advertising. Franklin comes in one weight only, though there are style variants in the one weight.
For newspapers and where available space is limited space! No. 2 Roman 14pt.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Condensed 14pt.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Extra Condensed 14pt.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z HOW IT’S USED
“While some types come and go, Franklin Gothic goes on forever.”

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The Franklin Gothic
Established 1902
The Prolific Work of
Morris Fuller Benton:
While his date of birth reads November 20, 1872, Morris Fuller Benton was born into the type business. The son of Linn Boyd Benton, inventor of the pantographic engraving machine, Morris cut his teeth at an early age helping his fa- ther work on these machines. After graduating from Cornell, Benton joined the American Type Founders (ATF) as a type designer. He would server as chief designer at ATF from 1900-1937.
bank gothic cheltenham clearface gothic engravers old english garamond no. 3 hobo news gothic eagle souvenir
Benton’s Other Faces:
Over his career, Benton is credited with the creation of over 180 typefaces.
Academy Agency FB Agency FB Condensed Agency FB Wide Alternate Gothic Alternate Gothic No 1 EF Alternate Gothic No. One EF Alternate Gothic No. Three EF Alternate Gothic No. Two American Text American Text (Bitstream) ATF Bodoni Bank Gothic Bank Gothic (ParaType) Bodoni Bodoni No. 2 EF Bodoni No. 2 EF Broadway Broadway Broadway (BT) Broadway (URW) EF Broadway Engraved Monotype Bulmer Bulmer Bulmer (BT) Canterbury Old Style Century BQ EF Century Expanded Century Expanded Century Expanded (BT) EF Century Old Style Century Old Style Century Old Style Century Oldstyle Century Schoolbook EF Century Schoolbook Monotype Century Schoolbook Century Schoolbook (BT) Century Schoolbook (URW) Century Schoolbook Monospaced Cheltenham Clearface Gothic Clearface Gothic (URW) Cloister Cloister Black (BT) Cloister Open Face Commercial Script Commercial Script (ITC) Eagle Bold Empire Empire (BT) Empire (FB) Engravers’ Old English (BT) Eva Paramount SG Ultra Garamond #3 Garamont Amsterdam BQ Linotype Goudy Catalogue Goudy Catalogue (URW) Linotype Goudy Handtooled Goudy Handtooled (BT) Goudy Handtooled (URW) EF Hobo Hobo Hobo (BT) Hobo (URW) Linotype Lightline Gothic EF Lightline Gothic Linoscript Linotext Linotype Mariage Modernique Neo Franklin New Century Schoolbook EF News Gothic News Gothic News Gothic (BT) News Gothic (URW) Odette Parisian Parisian (BT) Parisian (ICG) Phenix American Piranesi ITC Souvenir ITC Souvenir (EF) Linotype Stymie EF Stymie Stymie (URW)
“While some types come and go, Franklin Gothic goes on forever.”

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The Franklin Gothic
Established 1902 1902 1905 1906 1913 1914
Controversy still surrounds how the typeface earned its name. Dividing the typeface into its two words, “Franklin” and “Gothic,” reveals two diverg- ing histories. Some sources believe that “Franklin” Gothic was named after the diplomat Benjamin Franklin.
“Gothic,” on the other hand, follows another misnomer. At the time, the corporate body of the Boston Type and Sterotype Foundry had introduced a se- ries of typefaces without serifs under the name Gothic. As an extra-bold typeface, Gothic be- came its surname.
“While some types come and go, Franklin Gothic goes on forever.”

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The Franklin Gothic
Established 1902
The Characteristics of
Franklin Gothic:
The heaviness and boldness of Franklin Gothic gives off the impression of being seri- ous and important. However, unlike most bold typefaces, Franklin Gothic has “finesse, lightness, and something warm and friendly about it.” When carefully examining the letter forms you see that mst have broad, heavy strokes that are attached by a lighter, thin- ner stroke.
yThe upper case letters in Franklin Gothic
manage to maintain the elegance, heavi- ness and lightness seen in the lower case letters.
A a
There is not much to say about lower case i, since one downward stroke is al- most all that is need to create this letter. Almost being the key word. The dot of the lower case i is placed half the distance above the downward stroke of its depth, giving the feeling of freedom yet still be- ing connected.
“While some types come and go, Franklin Gothic goes on forever.”

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The Franklin Gothic
Established 1902
Necessity is the
Mother of Invention:
Franklin Gothic serves to contrast News Gothic which is relatively thinner and also designed by Benton. Most desginers, however, favor Franklin Gothic over News Gothic in their work.
“As a relatively boldtypeface, Franklin Gothic served to contrast regular News Gothic which did not have a complete family.”
“While some types come and go, Franklin Gothic goes on forever.”
No. 2 Roman 14pt.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z News Gothic 14pt. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

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The Franklin Gothic
Established 1902 Meet lower case g. Her thick and thin ovals keep the overall heaviness of the letter, but the lighter, thinner storkes also give a feeling of daintiness. Even with numerous curves, thicks and thins she is able to keep a perfect balance. The circle in the top portion of the “g” creates a counter space, which allows her to maintain great elegance and composure. She is also very proud to be consid- ered more of a traditional double story g. Meet lower case i. There is not much to say about lower case i, since one downward stroke is almost all that is need to create this letter. Almost being the key word. The dot of the lower case i is placed half the distance above the downward stroke of its depth, giving the feeling of freedom yet still being connected. Meet up case Q. His tail is very distinctive and is one way mayny people seem to recognize the typeface Franklin Gothic. In the lighter weights the tail curls down from the bottom center, where as in the heavier weighs the tails shifts slights to the right. Meet lower case t. He is slightly askew, giving him added character but is still able to maintain fi- nesse. Instead of his left, top side being completely straight it drifts ever so slightly to the right. His tail just barely narrows at the end, which is similar to the top of the lower case f and tail of the lower case j
t g i Q
“While some types come and go, Franklin Gothic goes on forever.”

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The Franklin Gothic
Established 1902
a B d F o y
Cap Height X - Height Baseline Bowl Crossbar Stem Counter Ascender Descender
Ascender: the part of a character that extends above the meanline is known as an ascender. Note hat this is the same as extending above the x-height. Baseline: the baseline is the invisible line on which charac- ters sit. While the baseline may differ from typeface to typeface, it is consistent within a type- face. Rounded letters such as “e” may extend slightly below the baseline. Bowl: the round or oval forms in a letter ( C, G, O - caps: g, b, c, e, o, p ) lower case. Cap Height: height of character from baseline to top of capital letter - usually less than the height of ascenders on lower case letters ( B l ) Counter: white space inside a letterform both as o or d and as m or u Crossbar: the (usually) horizontal stroke across the middle of uppercase A and H is a crossbar. The varying positioning, thickness, and slope of the bar is an identifying feature of many type designs. Descender: the part of a character that extends below the baseline is known as a descender, such as the bottom stroke of a “y.” Stem: the vertical line of a “B” and the primary diagonal line of a “V” are known as the stem. The stem is often the main “body” of a letter. X-Height: height f character from baseline to the top of lowercase letter - this relationship of x-height to cap height, and to ascender and descender is important to the character of the font.
“While some types come and go, Franklin Gothic goes on forever.”

Page 9
The Franklin Gothic
Established 1902
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam ultrices orci non lec- tus. Quisque elementum tellus ultrices
franklin gothic | 10 / 10
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam ultrices orci non lec- tus. Quisque elementum tellus ultrices
franklin gothic | 10 / 18
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam ultrices orci non lec- tus. Quisque elementum tellus ultrices
franklin gothic |10 / 13
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam ultrices orci non lectus. Quisque elementum tellus ultrices nisl. Mauris pellen- tesque mattis orci. Sed semper urna id nisi. Proin luctus volutpat ante.
franklin gothic | 6 / 7.2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam ultrices orci non lectus. Quisque elementum tellus ultrices nisl. Mauris pellen- tesque mattis orci. Sed semper urna id nisi. Proin luctus volutpat ante.
franklin gothic | 6 / 18
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam ultrices orci non lectus. Quisque elementum tellus ultrices nisl. Mauris pellen- tesque mattis orci. Sed semper urna id nisi. Proin luctus volutpat ante.
franklin gothic | 6 / 10
“While some types come and go, Franklin Gothic goes on forever.”
Solid (setting): no leading 10 / 10 (versus 10 / 13) Leading: vertical distance from one baseline to the next (2 points lead generally minimum, 3 points recommended)

Page 10
The Franklin Gothic
Established 1902
“While some types come and go, Franklin Gothic goes on forever.”
Measure: standard length of a line of type or the width of a column (66-80 characters per line) Tracking: overall distance between characters Kearning: modification of space between any given combination of letters Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer tincidunt leo dictum felis. Ut lobortis nisl non tel- lus. Quisque consectetuer feugiat elit. Vi- vamus ut orci. Fusce iaculis enim sed mau- ris. Aenean nec arcu a sem venenatis bibendum. Duis sed dolor Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer tincidunt leo dictum felis. Ut lobortis nisl non tellus. Quisque consectetuer feugiat elit. Vivamus ut orci. Fusce iaculis enim sed mauris. Aenean nec arcu a sem venenatis bibendum. Duis sed dolor feugiat felis auctor facilisis. Nulla pretium iaculis augue. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur neque nisi, rutrum ac, sagittis nec, varius sit amet, orci. Phasellus odio urna, ornare nec, pellentesque et, condimentum vel, ante. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultri- ces posuere cubilia Curae; In suscipit accumsan eros. Nam a nisl. Vestibulum nulla magna, lobortis eget, congue gravida, pulvinar vel, nisi. Curabitur pharetra sapien a tortor. Phasellus arcu mauris, varius in, aliquet sit amet, interdum id, ante. Quisque mi mauris, imperdiet non, rutrum sit amet, adipiscing ut, nibh. Praesent rhoncus, ipsum sed pretium molestie, erat nunc vulputate eros, vel scelerisque felis felis ac nunc. Donec eu ipsum. Curabitur vel massa sed sapien venenatis ullamcorper. Phasellus ultrices vehicula arcu. Mau- ris ac tortor sed dolor mollis aliquam. Mauris quis dui. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer tin- cidunt leo dictum felis. Ut lobortis nisl non tellus. Quisque consectetuer feugiat elit. Vivamus ut orci. Fusce iaculis enim sed mauris. Aenean nec arcu a sem venenatis bibendum. Duis sed dolor feugiat felis auctor facilisis. Nulla pretium iaculis augue. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur neque nisi, rutrum ac, sagittis nec, varius sit amet, orci. Phasellus odio urna, ornare nec, pellentesque et, condimentum vel

Page 11
The Franklin Gothic
Established 1902 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam ultrices orci non lectus. Quisque elemen- tum tellus ultrices nisl. Mauris pellentesque mattis orci. Sed semper urna id nisi. Proin luctus volutpat ante. franklin gothic | 8 pt. | flush left orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam ultrices orci non lectus. Quisque elementum tellus ultrices nisl. Mauris pellentesque mattis orci. Sed semper urna id nisi. Proin luctus volutpat ante. franklin gothic | 8 pt. | flush right orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam ultrices orci non lectus. Quisque elementum tellus ultrices nisl. Mauris pellentesque mattis orci. Sed semper urna id nisi. Proin luctus volutpat ante. franklin gothic | 8 pt. | align center Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam ultrices orci non lectus. Quisque elementum tel- lus ultrices nisl. Mauris pellentesque mattis orci. Sed semper urna id nisi. Proin luctus volutpat ante. franklin gothic | 8 pt. | justified left orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam ultrices orci non lectus. Quisque elementum tel- lus ultrices nisl. Mauris pellentesque mattis orci. Sed semper urna id nisi. Proin luctus volutpat ante. franklin gothic | 8 pt. | justified aligned center orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam ultrices orci non lectus. Quisque elemen- tum tellus ultrices nisl. Mauris pellentesque mattis orci. Sed semper urna id nisi. Proin luctus volutpat ante. franklin gothic | 8 pt. | justified all lines
“While some types come and go, Franklin Gothic goes on forever.”
Flush Left [fl] [fl/rr]: text ligned up - or flush - on left Flush Right [fr] [fr/rl]: text ligned up - or flush - on right Justified Text: text that flushes on both the left and right edge - word-spacing must be adjusted constantly and consistently to avoid rivers.
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