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LLVM in the FreeBSD Toolchain

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LLVM in the FreeBSD Toolchain
David Chisnall
1 Introduction
FreeBSD 10 shipped with Clang, based on LLVM [5], as the system compiler for x86 and ARMv6+ platforms. This was the first FreeBSD release not to include the GNU compiler since the project’s beginning. Although the replacement of the C compiler is the most obvious user-visible change, the inclusion of LLVM provides opportu- nities for other improvements.
2 Rationale for migration
The most obvious incentive for the FreeBSD project to switch from GCC to Clang was the decision by the Free Software Foundation to switch the license of GCC to version 3 of the GPL. This license is unacceptable to a number of large FreeBSD con- sumers. Given this constraint, the project had a choice of either maintaining a fork of GCC 4.2.1 (the last GPLv2 release), staying with GCC 4.2.1 forever, or switching to another compiler. The first option might have been feasible if other GCC users had desired the same and the cost could have been shared. The second was an adequate stopgap, but the release of the C11 and C++11 specifications— both unsupported by GCC 4.2.1—made this an im- possible approach for the longer term. The remain- ing alternative, to find a different compiler to re- place GCC, was the only viable option. The OpenBSD project had previously investi- gated PCC, which performed an adequate job with C code (although generating less optimised code than even our old GCC), but had no support for C++. The TENDRA compiler had also been con- sidered, but development had largely stopped by 2007. The remaining alternative was Clang, which was still a very young compiler in 2008, but had some significant commercial backing from companies in- cluding Apple and Google. In 2009, Roman Di- vacky and Pawel Worach begin trying to build FreeBSD with Clang and quickly got a working kernel, as long as optimisations were disabled. By May 2011, Clang was able to build the entire base system on both 32-bit and 64-bit x86 and so be- came a viable migration target. A large number of LLVM Clang bugs were found and fixed as a result of FreeBSD testing the compilation of a large body of code.
3 Rebuilding the C++ stack
The compiler itself was not the only thing that the FreeBSD project adopted from GCC. The en- tire C++ stack was developed as part of the GCC project and underwent the same license switch. This stack comprised the C++ compiler (g++), the C++ language runtime (libsupc++) and the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) implementation (libstdc++). All of these components required upgrading to support the new C++11 standard. The runtime library, for example, required support for depen- dent exceptions, where an exception can be boxed and rethrown in another thread (or the same thread later). The FreeBSD and NetBSD Foundations jointly paid PathScale to open source their C++ runtime library (libcxxrt), which was then integrated into the FreeBSD base system, replacing libsupc++. The LLVM project provided an STL implementa- tion (libc++), with full C++11 and now C++14 support, which was duly integrated. Using libcxxrt under libstdc++ allowed C++ libraries that exposed C interfaces, or C++ inter- faces that didn’t use STL types, to be mixed in the same binary as those that used libc++. This in- cludes throwing exceptions between such libraries. Implementing this in a backwards-compatible way required some linker tricks. Tradition- ally, libsupc++ had been statically linked into

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libstdc++, so from the perspective of all linked programs the libsupc++ symbols appeared to come from libstdc++. In later versions in the 9.x se- ries, and in the 9-COMPAT libraries shipped for 10, libstdc++ became a filter library, dynamically linked to libsupc++. This allows symbol resolu- tion to work correctly and allows libsupc++ or libcxxrt to be used as the filtee, which actually provides the implementation of these symbols.
4 Problems with ports
The FreeBSD ports tree is a collection of infrastruc- ture for building around 24,000 third-party pro- grams and libraries. Most ports are very thin wrappers around the upstream distribution’s build system, running autoconf or CMake configurations and then building the resulting make files or equiv- alent. For well-written programs, the switch to Clang was painless. Unfortunately, well-written programs make up the minority of the ports tree. To get the ports tree working with Clang required a number of bug fixes.
4.1 Give up, use GCC
The first stopgap measure was to add a flag to the ports tree allowing ports to select that they require GCC. At the coarsest granularity is the USE GCC flag knob, which allows a port to specify that it re- quires either a specific version of GCC, or a specific minimum version. This is a better-than-nothing approach to get- ting ports building again, but is not ideal. There is little advantage in switching to a new base system compiler if we are then going to use a different one for a large number of ports. We also encounter problems due to GCC’s current inability to use libc++, meaning that it is hard to compile C++ ports with GCC if they depend on libraries that are built with Clang, and vice versa. Currently around 1% of the ports tree requires this. Quite a few more use the flags exposed in the compiler namespace for the port’s USES flags. In particular, specify- ing USES=compiler:openmp will currently force a port to use GCC, as our Clang does not yet include OpenMP support. This framework allows ports to specify the exact features of GCC that they require, allowing them to be switched to using Clang once the
4.2 The default dialect
One of the simplest, but most common, things to fix was the assumption by a lot of ports that they could invoke the cc, program and get a C89 compiler. POSIX97 deprecated the cc utility, because it ac- cepts an unspecified dialect of C, which at the time might have been K&R or C89. Over a decade later, some code is still trying to use it. Today, it may require K&R C (very rare), C89 (very common), C99 (less common), or C11 (not yet common), and so should be explicitly specifying a dialect. This was a problem, because gcc, when invoked as cc defaults to C89, whereas clang defaulted to C99 and now to C11. This is not usually an issue, as the new versions of the C standard are intended to be backwards com- patible. Unfortunately, although valid C89 code is usually valid C99 or C11 code, very little code is ac- tually written in C89. Most C ports are written in C plus GNU extensions. In particular, C99 intro- duced the inline keyword, with a different meaning to the inline keyword available as a GNU extension to C89. This change causes linker failures when C89 code with GNU-flavoured inline functions is compiled as C99. For most ports, this was fixed by adding -fgnu89-inline to the port’s CFLAGS.
4.3 C++ templates
Another common issue in C++ code relates to two- phase lookup in C++ templates. This is a par- ticularly tricky part of the C++ stack and both GCC and Microsoft’s C++ compiler implemented it in different, mutually incompatible, wrong ways. Clang implements it correctly, as do new versions of other compilers. Unlike other compilers, Clang does not provide a fallback mode, accepting code with GNU or Microsoft-compatible errors. The most common manifestation of this differ- ence is template instantiations failing with an un- known identifier error. Often these can be fixed by simply specifying this-> in front of the vari- able named in the error message. In some more complex programs, working out exactly what was intended is a problem and so fixing it is impossible for the port maintainer.

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This is currently the largest cause of programs re- quiring GCC. In particular, some big C++ projects such as the Sphinx speech recognition engine have not had new releases for over five years and so are unlikely to be fixed upstream. Several of these ports will only build with specific version of GCC as well and so are still built with GCC in the ports tree. Fortunately, many these (for example, some of the KDE libraries) are now tested upstream with Clang for Mac OS X compatibility and so simply updating the port to a newer version fixed incom- patibilities.
4.4 Goodbye tr1
C++ Technical Report 1 (TR1) is a set of experi- mental additions to C++ that were standardised in between C++03 and C++11. It provided a number of extensions that were in headers in the tr1/ di- rectory and in the std :: tr1 namespace. In C++11, these were moved (with some small modifications) into the standard header directory and namespace. The new C++ stack is a full C++11 implemen- tation and does not provide the TR1 extensions to C++98. This means that code that references these will fail, complaining about a missing header. The simple fix for this is just to globally delete tr1 from the source files. Getting the code to also build with GCC is somewhat more problematic, but can be accomplished with a relatively small set of #ifdefs.
4.5 Generic problems
In FreeBSD 10, we improved some of the generic macros in math.h to use the C11 Generic ex- pressions or GCC’s type select extension if avail- able. The old code dispatched arguments to the correct function by comparing sizeof(arg) against sizeof(double) and so on. Now, we are able to ex- plicitly match on the type. Macros such as isnan() and isinf () will now raise compile-time errors if they are invoked with a type that is not one of the compatible ones. This is something that we consider a feature. If you pass an int to isnan(), then you probably have a bug because there are no possible values of an int that are not numbers. Unfortunately, a surpris- ing amount of code depends on the previous buggy behaviour. This is particularly prevalent in con- figure scripts. For example, Mono checks whether isnan(1) works, which checks whether there is a ver- sion of isnan() that accepts an integer argument. If it doesn’t find one, then it provides an imple- mentation of isnan() that accepts a double as the argument, which causes linker failures. Fixing these was relatively easy, but time con- suming. Most of the errors were in configure scripts, but we did find a small number of real bugs in code.
4.6 OpenMP
One of the current limitations of Clang as a C/C++ compiler is its lack of OpenMP support. OpenMP is a pragma-based standard for compiler-assisted parallelism and so is increasingly important in an era when even mobile devices have multiple cores. Intel has recently contributed an OpenMP imple- mentation to Clang, but the code has not yet been integrated. This implementation also in- cludes a permissively licensed OpenMP runtime, which would replace the GNU OpenMP library (libgomp). Work is currently underway to finish importing the OpenMP support code into Clang. This is ex- pected to be completed by LLVM 3.5, although some extra effort may be required to build the OpenMP support library on FreeBSD (Linux and Mac OS X are its two current supported configura- tions).
5 Looking forwards
Having a mature and easily extensible library-based compiler infrastructure in the base system provides a number of opportunities.
5.1 Install-time optimisation
A common misconception of LLVM, arising from the VM in its name, is that it would allow us to easily compile code once and run it on all archi- tectures. LLVM uses an intermediate representa- tion (IR) in the middle of the compiler pipeline. This is not intended as a distribution format or as a platform-neutral IR, in contrast to .NET or Java

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bytecode. This is an intrinsic problem for any tar- get for C compilation: once the C preprocessor has run, the code is no longer target-neutral and much C code has different paths for things like byte order or pointer size. Although LLVM IR is not architecture neutral, it is microarchitecture neutral. The same LLVM IR is generated for a Xeon and an Atom, however the optimal code for both is quite different. It would be possible for a significant number of ports to build the binary serialisation of LLVM IR (‘bitcode’) and ship this in packages. At install time, the pkg tool could then optimise the binaries for the current ar- chitecture. To avoid long install times, packages could con- tain both a generic binary and the IR, allowing the IR to be stripped for people who are happy to run the generic code, or used for optimisation as a back- ground task if desired. It’s not clear how much overhead this would add to installation. Build- ing large ports can be time consuming, however the slowest to build are typically C++ ports where the build time is dominated by template expan- sion. Generating a few megabytes of optimised ob- ject code from LLVM IR typically only takes a few seconds on a modern machine. Microarchitectural optimisations are not the only applicable kind that could benefit from this ap- proach. Link-time optimisation can give a signifi- cant speedup by doing interprocedural analysis over an entire program and using these results in op- timisation. Typically, the boundary for this is a shared library, because you can not rely on code in a shared library not changing. If we are shipping both LLVM IR and binaries, however, it becomes possible to specialise shared libraries for specific ex- ecutables, potentially generating much better code. The down side of this is that you end up without code shared between users of a library, increasing cache churn. Fortunately, there is information available on a system about whether this is likely to be a good trade. The package tool is aware of how many pro- grams link to a specific library and so can provide hints about whether reduction in code sharing is likely to be a problem. If you have a shared library that is only used by a single program, obviously you don’t get any benefits from it. The kernel may also be able to profile how often two programs using the same library are running simultaneously (or after a short period) and so gaining any benefit from the sharing. Of course, these are just heuristics and it may be that some library routines are very hot paths in all of their consumers and so would benefit from inlining anyway.
5.2 Code diversity
LLVM has been used by a number of other projects. One interesting example is the Multicompiler [3], which implements code diversity in LLVM with the goal of making return-oriented programming (ROP) more difficult. ROP turns the ability for an attacker to run a small amount of arbitrary code (e.g. control the target a single jump, such as a return instruction) into the ability to run large amounts of code. This works by stringing together short sequences of instructions (‘gadgets’) in a bi- nary, connected by jumps. Gadgets are particu- larly common in code on x86, because the variable- length instruction encoding and byte alignment of instructions mean that a single instruction or in- struction pair can have a number of different mean- ings depending on where you start interpreting it. The Multicompiler combats this in two ways. First, it can insert nops into the binary, breaking apart particularly dangerous accidental sequences. Second, using a random seed, it performs various permutations of the code, meaning that different compiles can end up with code (including the sur- viving gadgets) in different places. We are currently working to incorporate the mul- ticompiler into the ports tree, so that users building site-local package sets can set a random seed and get deterministic builds that are nevertheless dif- ferent in binary layout to those produced by every- one else. This makes generating an exploit that will work on all FreeBSD systems very difficult. We will also be able to incorporate this into the FreeBSD- provided binary packages, quickly running diversi- fied builds when a vulnerability is found, requiring attackers to create new versions of their exploits. By rolling these out in a staggered fashion, we can make it hard to write an exploit that will work on all FreeBSD users, even within a single package ver- sion.

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5.3 Sanitiser support
Clang, on Linux and Mac OS X, supports a number of ‘sanitisers’, dynamic checkers for various kinds of programming error. The compiler identifies partic- ular idioms and inserts checks that are evaluated at run time and may potentially call routines in a supporting library. These include: AddressSanitizer was the first of the family and is intended to provide similar functionality to Val- grind [6], with a much lower overhead. It detects out-of-bounds accesses, use-after-free and other re- lated memory errors. MemorySanitizer checks for reads of unini- tialised memory. This catches subtle bugs where code can work fine on one system because memory layout happens to contain valid values, but fail on another. ThreadSanitizer is intended to detect data races. UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer performs run- time checks on code to detect various forms of undefined behaviour. This includes checking that bool variables only contain true or false values, that signed arithmetic does not overflow, and so on. This is very useful for checking portable code, as undefined behaviour can often be implemented in different ways on different platforms. For ex- ample, integer division by zero may trap on some architectures but may silently give a meaningless result on others. DataFlowSanitizer allows variables to be la- belled and their flow through the program to be tracked. This is an important building block for a category security auditing tools. All of these require a small runtime library for supporting functionality, including intercepting some standard C library functions (e.g. malloc() and free()). These have not yet been ported to FreeBSD, but would provide significant benefits if they were. In particular, running the FreeBSD test suite with dynamic checks enabled on a regular ba- sis would allow early detection of errors.
5.4 Custom static checks
The Clang static analyser provides generic func- tionality for understanding control and data flow inside compilation units. It also includes a num- ber of checkers for correct usage of the relevant languages, for example checking that variables are not used uninitialised and NULL pointers are not dereferenced in all possible control flows. The more useful checks are those that incorporate some un- derstanding of API behaviour. By default, the analyser can check for correct us- age of a number of POSIX APIs. Apple has also contributed a number of checkers for OS X ker- nel and userspace APIs. The framework is suffi- ciently generic that we can also provide plugins for FreeBSD APIs that are commonly misused. Some of the checkers would be of more use if we provided more annotation in the FreeBSD code. For example, WITNESS allows dynamic lock or- der checking, but Clang can also perform some of these checks statically. It can also do some more subtle checks, for example ensuring that every ac- cess to a particular structure field has a specific lock acquired. Ideally, the static analyser would be combined with WITNESS, to elide run-time checks where static analysis can prove that they are not required.
5.5 Other analysis tools
The LLVM framework has been used to implement a number of other analysis tools. Of particular rel- evance to FreeBSD are SOAAP [4] and TESLA [1], which were both developed at the University of Cambridge with FreeBSD as the primary target. TESLA is a framework for temporal assertions, allowing the programmer to specify things that must have happened (somewhere) before a line of code is reached, or which must happen subse- quently. A typical example is that within a sys- tem call, by the time you get to the part doing I/O, some other code must have already performed a MAC check and then something else must later write an audit log event. These complex interac- tions are made harder to understand by the fact that the kernel can load shared libraries. TESLA uses Clang to parse temporal assertions and LLVM to instrument the generated code, allowing them to be checked at run time. A number of TESLA asser-

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tions were added to the FreeBSD kernel in a branch and used to validate certain parts of the system. SOAAP is a tool to aid compartmentalising soft- ware. This is an important mitigation technique, limiting the scope of compromises. The Cap- sicum [9] infrastructure provides the operating sys- tem functionality required for running low-privilege sandboxes within an application but deciding where to place the partitions is still a significant engineer- ing challenge. SOAAP is designed to make it easy to explore this design space, by writing compart- mentalisation hypotheses, ensuring that all shared data really are shared, and simulating the perfor- mance degradation from the extra process creation and communication. We anticipate a lot more tools along these lines being developed over the coming years and intend to take advantage of them.
5.6 The rest of the toolchain
We currently include code from either GNU binutils or the ELF Toolchain project. Most of this dupli- cates functionality already in LLVM. In particular, every LLVM back end can parse assembly and gen- erate object code, yet we still have the GNU as- sembler. Various other tools, such as objdump have direct replacements available in LLVM and some others (e.g. addr2line would be simple wrappers around the LLVM libraries). The only complex tool is the linker. There are two possible linkers available, both based on LLVM: MCLinker [2] and lld [8]. MCLinker is currently able to link the entire FreeBSD base system on i386, but lacks support for version scripts and so the resulting binaries lack symbol versions. It is a promising design, perform- ing well in terms of memory usage and speed. Lld is developed primarily by Sony and is part of the LLVM project. It is currently less mature, but is advancing quickly. Both use a scalable in- ternal representation, with some subtle differences, inspired in part by Apple’s 64-bit linker. MCLinker aims to be a fast ELF-only linker, whereas lld aims to link all of the object code formats supported by LLVM (ELF, Mach-O and PE/COFF). We are likely to import one of these in the near future. We have already imported LLDB, the LLVM de- bugger, into the base system, although it was not quite ready in time for the 10.0 release. LLDB uses numerous parts of LLVM. When you type an ex- pression into the GNU debugger command line, it uses its internal parser, which supports a subset of the target language. In LLDB, the expression is parsed with Clang. The parsing libraries in Clang provide hooks for supplying declarations and these are supplied by LLDB from DWARF debug infor- mation. Once it’s parsed, the Clang libraries emit LLVM IR and the LLVM JIT produces binary code, which is copied into the target process’s address space and executed.
5.7 Other compilers in FreeBSD
When people think of compilers in FreeBSD, the C and C++ compilers are the most obvious ones. There are a number of others, for domain-specific languages, in various places. For example, the Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) contains a simple hand-written JIT compiler in the kernel. This pro- duces code that is faster than the interpreter, but not actually very good in absolute terms. Having a generic compiler infrastructure for writ- ing compilers allows us to replace some of these with optimising compilers. In a simple proof of concept for an LLVM-based BPF JIT (a total of under 500 lines of code, implementing all of the BPF bytecode operations), we were able to gener- ate significantly better code than the current in- kernel JIT. The LLVM-based JIT in its entirety (excluding LLVM library code) was smaller than the platform-dependent code in the in-kernel JIT and will work for any architecture that LLVM sup- ports, whereas the current JIT only supports x86[- 64]. It is not a simple drop-in replacement, however. LLVM is large and does not gracefully handle low- memory conditions, so putting it inside the kernel would be a terrible idea. There are two possible solutions to this. The first is to run the JIT in userspace, with the kernel streaming BPF byte- codes to a device that a userspace process reads, compiles, and then writes the generated machine code back into. The kernel can use the interpreter for as long as the userspace process takes to per- form the compilation. The alternative is to use the NetMap [7] infrastructure to perform packet filter- ing entirely in userspace. This is less attractive for BPF, where rule sets tend to be fairly simple and even the interpreter is

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often fast enough. It is more interesting for complex firewall rules, which change relatively infrequently (although the state tables are updated very often) and which can be a significant bottleneck.
6 Platform support
FreeBSD currently supports several architectures. We have enabled Clang/LLVM by default on x86, x86-64, and ARMv6 (including ARMv7). This leaves older ARM chips, SPARC, PowerPC, MIPS, and IA64 still using GCC. Support is progressing in LLVM for SPARC, PowerPC and MIPS. We are able to compile working PowerPC64 ker- nels without optimisation, but there are still some optimisation bugs preventing Clang from becom- ing the default compiler on this architecture. On 32-bit PowerPC, LLVM still lacks full support for thread-local storage and position-independent code. SPARC support is progressing in LLVM, but it has not been recently tested. We are currently compiling significant amounts of MIPS code (including FreeBSD libc) with LLVM and a large patch set. This includes significant im- provements to the integrated assembler, but also support for MIPS IV. Currently, LLVM supports MIPS32, MIPS32r2, MIPS64 and MIPS64r2. The earlier 64-bit MIPS III and MIPS IV ISAs are still widespread. The changes required to support these in the back end are not very complex: simply dis- able the instructions that are not present in earlier ISA revisions. They should be upstreamed before LLVM 3.5 is released. The (unfinished) IA64 back end in LLVM was removed due to lack of developer interest. It is un- likely that this architecture will ever be supported in LLVM, and it is doubtful that it has a long-term future in FreeBSD, as machines that use it are rare, expensive, and unlikely to be produced in the fu- ture.
7 Summary
Importing LLVM and Clang into the FreeBSD base system and switching Tier 1 platforms to use it was a significant amount of effort. So far, we have only just started to reap the benefits of this work. Over the next few years, LLVM is likely to be an important component of the FreeBSD base system. This paper has outlined a few of the possible di- rections. It is likely that there are more that are not yet obvious and will emerge over time.
8 Acknowledgements
The task of importing LLVM into FreeBSD was be- gun by Roman Divacky and Pawel Worach in 2009 and without their initiative none of this work would have been possible. Since then, a large number of FreeBSD developers have worked to improve the state of the LLVM toolchain in FreeBSD, includ- ing Dimitry Andric, Ed Maste, Brooks Davis, Ed Schouten, and many others. Portions of this work were sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), under contract FA8750-10-C-0237. The views, opinions, and/or findings contained in this report are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official views or poli- cies, either expressed or implied, of the Defense Ad- van ced Research Projects Agency or the Depart- ment of Defense.
[1] Temporally enhanced security logic asser- tions (TESLA). http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/ research/security/ctsrd/tesla/ (accessed 31/1/2014). [2] Chinyen Chou. MCLinker BSD. In BSDCan, 2013. [3] Michael Franz, Stefan Brunthaler, Per Larsen, Andrei Homescu, and Steven Neisius. Profile- guided automated software diversity. In Pro- ceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimiza- tion (CGO), CGO ’13, pages 1–11, Washington, DC, USA, 2013. IEEE Computer Society. [4] Khilan Gudka, Robert N. M. Watson, Steven Hand, Ben Laurie, and Anil Madhavapeddy. Exploring compartmentalisation hypotheses with soaap. In Proceedings of the 2012

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IEEE Sixth International Conference on Self- Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Work- shops, SASOW ’12, pages 23–30, Washington, DC, USA, 2012. IEEE Computer Society. [5] Chris Lattner and Vikram Adve. LLVM: A compilation framework for lifelong program analysis & transformation. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization: Feedback-directed and Run- time Optimization, CGO ’04, pages 75–, Wash- ington, DC, USA, 2004. IEEE Computer Soci- ety. [6] Nicholas Nethercote and Julian Seward. Val- grind: A framework for heavyweight dy- namic binary instrumentation. SIGPLAN Not., 42(6):89–100, June 2007. [7] Luigi Rizzo and Matteo Landi. Netmap: Mem- ory mapped access to network devices. In Pro- ceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2011 Con- ference, SIGCOMM ’11, pages 422–423, New York, NY, USA, 2011. ACM. [8] Michael Spencer. lld - the LLVM Linker. In EuroLLVM, 2012. [9] Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Anderson, Ben Laurie, and Kris Kennaway. Capsicum: Practi- cal capabilities for unix. In Proceedings of the 19th USENIX Conference on Security, USENIX Security’10, pages 3–3, Berkeley, CA, USA, 2010. USENIX Association.
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