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Challenges and Results in Virtual Prototyping

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Challenges and Results in Virtual Prototyping
Vania Joloboff INRIA
Also Senior Visiting Scientist at Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technologies

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 LIAMA is the Sino French Laboratory of Informatics,
Applied Mathematics and Automation
 Established initially in 1997 as a single place laboratory at the
Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Automation
 LIAMA is now a distributed laboratory with many
 France: INRIA, CNRS, Ecoles Centrales, U. Grenoble  Europe: U. of Brussels, U. of Wagenigen  China: Beida, Beihang, Tsinghua and CAS institutes: CASIA,
 The FORMES project is a joint project between INRIA,
CNRS, Tsinghua University and CAS SIAT
 With contribution from Beihang and Harbin Eng. University

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Embedded Systems
An industrial embedded systems product is a set of hardware components running dedicated application software. It should have no bugs and adequate performance

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Towards Full Virtual Prototyping
Real System Prototype
Hardware engineers design hardware models
Application Software Hardware Models
Software engineers design software models
Code generator
Generated code
Platform integration (RTOS, application specific libraries)
Virtual Prototyping Platform to run the application software and validate hardware functionality and performance
Virtual Prototype
Model design and verification
Verification Tools

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Virtual Prototyping example: i-Phone

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Virtual Prototyping with Full System
Build an executable model of the embedded system electronics (the virtual prototype) and run the application software
on top of this virtual hardware What is the appropriate technique to achieve virtual prototyping? From the software point of view: Hardware simulation
must be fast enough to run the programs in a few
minutes, possibly seconds, not hours From the hardware point of view: Performance
prediction and power consumption
From both: The simulation must produce the same
results as the real hardware
Today, this is a dream but we are making progress towards the goal

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Virtual Prototyping Research
 New architectures, new chips
 Today, we simulate ARM and PowerPC and MIPS  Started the SH simulator  Support for the new variable length encoding for Power  We need many students on this topic��
 Fast Simulation
 Continue to improve our simulation speed
• Explore parallel simulation
 Certified Simulation
 Prove simulation is correct
 Approximately Timed
 Provide performance estimate of the simulated hardware

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Very Fast Simulation
Execute only a few host machine instructions for each application software simulated instruction Parallelize multi-core simulation

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Early simulation: Interpreted Simulation
 Simulate the instruction fetch/decode/execute of the target processor  Simulator code does essentially
do { instruction = Fetch (current_pc); // result: 011100110011000111�� Decode (instruction); // result: ��this is an addition instruction�� Execute (instruction); // result: the operands are added } until End Of Program
Inefficiency due to decode multiple times the same instructions : speed < 10 Mips
Simulated Memory Binary instructions Data Fetch Decode Execute
Interpreted Instruction Set Simulation (ISS)

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How to do better ?
 Technique: Dynamic binary translation
 Decode Only Once: The simulated binary proam (typically the operating
system binary, eg. Linux kernel) is dynamically translated into another representation run on the simulation host
• Eliminate most of the decode time, speed up the execute time
 Cache the translated code for re-use (optimize)
 Translation can be done on segment or page basis
 Speed increases significantly > 15 Mips
Cache Simulated Memory Binary instruction s
Executable Representation
Data Fetch Decode Execute
yes no
Transla te

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Simulated Memory Binary instructions
LLVM Data Fetch Decode Decompi le Execution engine
yes no invalida te no yes
Native Host Code
Run Native
High Speed Simulation
 Dramatically improve simulation speed using most recent compiling
technologies: dynamically translate simulated binary code into optimized host code
 The machine code is first decompiled into a Control Flow Graph,
translated first in some Intermediate Language (LLVM from UIUC). ,
then optimized, then recompiled into host machine code and
executed under control of execution engine
decoded? Over Write

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Compiling speed
 The compiling speed becomes an issue
 If it takes time T
to execute an instruction in interpreted mode, and time C to compile, resulting in code whose execution takes time T
, then it is only worth compiling when the instruction is executed more than N times such that
• N * T
> C + N * T
=> C < (T
) / N
 Only frequently executed instructions are worth
compiling, those over some threshold N
 Value of N depends on compilation speed, in our case about
1000 instructions per second
 We always start simulation in interpreted mode, run
dynamic profiling and then selectively compile ��hot�� basic blocks

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 Our progress
Speed in Mips 2007 2008 2009 2011 ARM32 6.62 15 75 120
 Can we do better ?
 Yes, but doing compilation on a separate processor,
parallelizing dynamic translation and execution
 Yes, by compiling larger chunks than basic blocks

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Certified Simulation
Ideal: Certify that the simulator behaves exactly as the real hardware
Assumption: there exists a formal specification of the HW, which may not be available from the vendors (e.g ARM, IBM, Intel��) but that can be developed or extracted from vendor��s specifications.
HW Formal specs (in Coq) Simulator program coded in C Goal: Prove (with a theorem prover) that the C program implements the specs Fortunately, the C semantics in Coq have been developed by the Compcert C program We can re-use of lot of Compcert-C compiler code to develop the simulator proof

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Automated, Certified Simulation
Extractio n Tool Abstract
Executable formal processor specification in Coq Instruction Set Simulator Simulator Generator Generated C code Binary decoder Prove that the C code for each instruction ends up with the same result as the formal definition
execi(M,S) -> M��, S��
Vendor Specification in .pdf
Add(P) { int v = p.reg[d] += p.reg[src]; if (v > 0) p.neg = true else if (v>0) p.pos=true else p.zero=true; } Coq Proof
Manual Patch

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Example of .pdf for ORR instruction
d = UInt(Rd); n = UInt(Rn); m = UInt(Rm); s = UInt(Rs); setflags = (S == ��1��); shift_t = DecodeRegShift(type); if d == 15 || n == 15 || m == 15 || s == 15 then UNPREDICTABLE; if ConditionPassed() then EncodingSpecificOperations(); Shift_n = UInt(R[s]<7:0>); (shifted, carry) = Shift_C(R[m], shift_t, shift_n, APSR.C); result = R[n] OR shifted; R[d] = result; if setflags then APSR.N = result<31>; APSR.Z = IsZeroBit(result); APSR.C = carry;
Decoding info Semantics info

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 We have completely generated the ARM V6 simulator
from the .pdf
 It runs at 95% the speed of the manually generated  We found bugs in the documentation that created bugs in the
simulator (reported to ARM)
 Need some manual complement because the specification is not
enough strongly typed, or there are english sentences
 Strongly tested, runs a Linux platform
 We have completed a formal spec of ARM instruction set  We have now complete proof for one instruction (100
more to go��)
 We have completely generated the SH instruction set
 Not tested yet, but proof of concept we can generate two
simulators for two architectures from the same abstract syntax

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Approximately Timed Simulation
 Ideal: At the end of the simulation, the simulator reports
exactly how many clock cycles have elapsed to run the software
 Cycle accurate simulators are extremely slow: unusable
for virtual prototyping.
 Reminder: the modern processors are designed to
execute at least 1 instruction per cycle (sometimes more) with architecture support (caches, pipe line, etc). If they don��t, it��s because there is a blocking factor��
 Idea: simulate enough of the system with a model to
compute the blocking factors and evaluate the delays with approximation, without really simulating the HW
 Expectation : to get 90% of accuracy with >10 times the
speed of a CA simulator

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Approximately Timed Simulation
 Example
 Processors have an instruction cache and instruction
buffer with a complex pre-fetch process. One can approximate the pre-fetch by calculating cache misses and resulting delays with abstract simulation of the cache, the bus and memory.
 Processors have data cache. May be possibility of
fast calculation of the cache miss with a different algorithm than the HW
 Under development
 An abstract cache simulator and an abstract pipe line
to evaluate the delays created

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We are recruiting intern students
 Motivated students  Reasonably good english : reading, speaking, writing  Computer science background: we are looking for
students having at least one of these competences
 Real time systems, process control, concurrent // computing  Modeling language experience: UML, SystemC  Good object oriented C++ programming  Compiler and operating systems, code generation  Networking protocols: Ethernet, TCP/IP
 Experience with LINUX and handling software with
sophisticated control tools: subversion (svn), autoconf, automake, make, etc. is a plus
 Write to vania.joloboff@inria.fr

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лл , Thank You, Merci
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