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Physics 211

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 1
Classical Mechanics Relative and Circular Motion
Today’s Concepts:
a) Rela ve mo on b) Centripetal accelera on
plug in audio

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 2
Stuff you asked about:

I dislike Circular moXon and I bet you cant make me like it :p

I studied this in high school, but the expression of angular velocity is new to me, and I haven't learned about centripetal acceleraXon in terms of derivaXves before

We never covered angular velocity.

The most confusing concept was quesXon number 2 which involved the moving walkway and the dog. RelaXve moXon.

It was stated we will not use accelerated frames of moXon, but a single example to demonstrate the difficulty of dealing in those frames would be interesXng to see, if only once for my first semester in college.

Why the acceleraXon direcXon and the velocity direcXon are always perpendicular?

please talk about how you get the formula for centripetal acceleraXon.

Further dis[c]ussing angular velocity

All seems fair to me and I enjoy whatever my prof teach[es] me in class

We have now.
That’s the spirit!
Coriolus effect

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 2
Stuff you asked about:

I feel like the pace, at which we are covering the material is too fast for myself and some of the students I talked to. The lectures on smartPhysics are very brief and are designed mostly to give students an idea of what will be covered in the lecture. In reality, however, our lecture consists of a review of the smartPhysics lecture, where even the examples (pictures) are the same. In physics it is someXmes necessary to listen to two different explanaXons in order to fully understand the concept. Also, coming back to the comment about the speed at which we are covering the material, I feel like a weekly problem sheet, containing not many, but, say 10 problems is in order. The homework on smartPhysics makes use use a parXcular formula once, which doesn't lead to memorizing it. Since our knowledge will be tested in a wri en form, it would be nice to have some pracXce. Thank you.
you’re welcome

Page 4
Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 3
How familiar are you with the concepts of relaXve moXon and centripetal acceleraXon from your high school course. A) I already know this stuff
B) It seems familiar, but I need a review C) We didn't learn this in high school

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 3
How familiar are you with the concepts of relaXve moXon and centripetal acceleraXon from your high school course. A) I already know this stuff
B) It seems familiar, but I need a review C) We didn't learn this in high school

Page 6
Mechanics Lecture 2, Slide 16
A flatbed railroad car is moving along a track at constant velocity. A passenger at the center of the car throws a ball straight up. Neglec ng air resistance, where will the ball land?
A) Forward of the center of the car B) At the center of the car C) Backward of the center of the car
Demo -‐ train
Ball and car start with same x posi on and x velocity, Since a = 0 they always have same x posi on.
Train Demo Clicker Question
train car

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 4
Relative Motion
What you just did

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 5
PreLecture 4, Question 1

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vgr = vgL + vLr = vgL b vrL
Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 5
PreLecture 4, Question 1
so velocity of green with respect to red = velocity of green with respect to Lab + velocity of Lab with respect to red. = velocity of green with respect to Lab – velocity of red with respect to Lab + 6 m/s – ( –2 m/s) = +8 m/s Recall that the velocity of a with respect to c = velocity of a with respect to b + velocity of b with respect to c

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 6
= 2 m/s v
= 8 m/s
A) 6 m/s B) 8 m/s C) 10 m/s
A girl stands on a moving sidewalk that moves to the right at 2 m/s relaXve to the ground. A dog runs toward the girl in the opposite direcXon along the sidewalk at a speed of 8 m/s relaXve to the sidewalk. What is the speed of the dog relaXve to the ground?

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 7
dog, ground
= v
dog, belt
+ v
belt, ground
= (−8 m/s) + (2 m/s) = −6 m/s
= 2 m/s v
= 8 m/s
What is the speed of the dog relative to the ground?
A) 6 m/s B) 8 m/s C) 10 m/s

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 8
About 65% of you got this right – lets try it again.
A girl stands on a moving sidewalk that moves to the right at 2 m/s relaXve to the ground. A dog runs toward the girl in the opposite direcXon along the sidewalk at a speed of 8 m/s relaXve to the sidewalk. What is the speed of the dog relaXve to the girl?
= 2 m/s v
= 8 m/s
A) 6 m/s B) 8 m/s C) 10 m/s

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 9
A) Because the girl is actually moving and the two vectors are opposite, so
together they make 6 m/s
B) Because the girl is not moving rela ve to the belt, and the dog is going 8 m/s
rela ve to the belt, the dog is also moving 8 m/s rela ve to the girl..
C) The dog and girl are running towards each other so when you add the two
veloci es together it would be 8+2.
What is the speed of the dog relative to the girl?
= 2 m/s v
= 8 m/s
A) 6 m/s B) 8 m/s C) 10 m/s A) Because the girl is actually moving and the two vectors are opposite, so
together they make 6 m/s
B) Because the girl is not moving rela ve to the belt, and the dog is going 8 m/s
rela ve to the belt, the dog is also moving 8 m/s rela ve to the girl..

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 10
B) Because the girl is not moving rela ve to the belt, and the dog is going 8 m/s
rela ve to the belt, the dog is also moving 8 m/s rela ve to the girl. Using the velocity formula: v
dog, girl
= v
dog, belt
+ v
belt, girl
= −8 m/s + 0 m/s = −8 m/s
What is the speed of the dog relative to the girl?
= 2 m/s v
= 8 m/s
A) 6 m/s B) 8 m/s C) 10 m/s

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 11
Tractor Demo (moving cardboard)
Which direc on should I point the toy bulldozer to get it across the cardboard fastest?
A) To the left B) Straight across

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 12
Clicker Question
Moving sidewalk 2 m /s
1 m/s
4 m
A man starts to walk along the do ed line painted on a moving sidewalk toward a fire hydrant that is directly across from him. The width of the walkway is 4 m, and it is moving at 2 m/s relaXve to the fire-‐ hydrant. If his walking speed is 1 m/s, how far away will he be from the hydrant when he reaches the other side?
A) 2 m B) 4 m C) 6 m D) 8 m

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 13
Time to get across: Δt = distance / speed = 4m / 1m/s = 4 s
1 m/s
4 m
If the sidewalk wasn’t moving:

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 14
4 m
2 m /s
Just the sidewalk:

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 15
1 m/s
4 m
2 m /s
Combination of motions:

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 16
D = (speed of sidewalk) · (time to get across) = (2 m/s)
(4 s) = 8 m
1 m/s
4 m
2 m /s

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 17
Three swimmers can swim equally fast rela ve to the water. They have a race to see who can swim across a river in the least me. Rela ve to the water, Beth swims perpendicular to the flow, Ann swims upstream at 30 degrees, and Carly swims downstream at 30 degrees. Who gets across the river first?
A) Ann B) Beth C) Carly
x y
Clicker Question

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 18
= V
30o 30o
= V
= V
Time to get across = D / V
Look at just water & swimmers
x y

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 19
x y
Clicker Question
Three swimmers can swim equally fast rela ve to the water. They have a race to see who can swim across a river in the least me. Rela ve to the water, Beth swims perpendicular to the flow, Ann swims upstream at 30 degrees, and Carly swims downstream at 30 degrees. Who gets across the river second?
A) Ann B) Carly C) Both same

Page 24
Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 20
A girl twirls a rock on the end of a string around in a horizontal circle above her head as shown from above in the diagram. If the string brakes at the instant shown, which of the arrows best represents the resul ng path of the rock?
Top view looking down
After the string breaks, the rock will have no force ac ng on it, so it cannot accelerate. Therefore, it will maintain its velocity at the me of the break in the string, which is directed tangent to the circle.
CheckPoint (& Demo)

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 21
Show Prelecture

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 22
Centripetal Acceleration

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 23
v = ωR
Once around:
ω = Δθ / Δt = 2π / Τ v = Δx / Δt = 2πR / T ω is the rate at which the angle θ changes: θ

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 24
v dt
R =R dθ Another way to see it:
v = ωR
v = Rω

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Mechanics Lecture 4, Slide 25
We can ignore this acceleration due to Earth's rotation since its small
1700 km/h
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