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Toward a Theoretical Framework for Information Science

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Toward a Theoretical Framework for Information Science
Amanda Spink The Pennsylvania State University
Information Science is beginning to develop a theoretical framework for the modeling of users’ interactions with information retrieval (IR) technologies within the more holistic context of human information behavior (Spink, 1998b). This paper addresses the following questions: (1) What is the nature of Information Science? and (2) What theoretical framework and model is most appropriate for Information Science? This paper proposes a theoretical framework for Information Science based on an explication of the processes of human information coordinating behavior and information feedback that facilitate the relationship between human information behavior and human interaction with information retrieval (IR) technologies (Web, digital libraries, etc.).
Keywords: feedback, information science, human information coordinating behavior
Nature of information science
To begin, we examine: What is the nature of Information Sci- ence? Information Science seeks to understand the complex process that involves and requires a number of information- related activities: human information seeking and retrieving be- haviors; organization of a collection of texts, and more recently images, sounds or multimedia, that bear some cognitive content; an intellectual representation of such texts, be it derived by hu- mans directly or indirectly by a variety of algorithms; intellec- tual ways and means of searching and retrieval by users; and the systems and techniques to accomplish all of these. The complex- ity of human information seeking and retrieving is derived not only from these very difficult processes, but from the direct involvement of human generators and users of texts in information systems, bringing in cognitive, affective, social and situational (problem, task) variables. In other words, Information Science is not only a technical but even more so a cognitive, social, and situational process. With the marriage of computers and telecommunications, Information Science is based on facilitating interactive information proc- esses, involving information feedback and human information coordinating behaviors. All these concepts provide the building blocks for deriving a general framework for Informatics.
Theoretical Framework
Second, the paper deals with the question: What theoretical framework and model is most appropriate for Information Science? Information Science research is concerned with how humans create, seek, retrieve and use information; particularly human interactions with information systems that now include digital libraries and the Web. Information Science processes include human creating, seeking, retrieving and using informa- tion; particularly human interaction with information systems. Information Science focuses on many different processes that occur over time, including a human information problem that initiates information behavior related to a human problem state, cognitive state and knowledge state (Ingwersen, 1992, 1996), including information seeking behavior (Kuhlthau, 1993), hu- man searching behavior with information retrieval (IR) systems (Saracevic, 1996,1997), with interactive issues such as feedback (Spink, 1998b; Spink & Saracevic, 1998) and relevance (Spink, Greisdorf & Bateman, 1998). In other words, information seekers coordinate a number of ele- ments, including their cognitive state, level of domain knowl- edge, and their understanding of their information problem, into a coherent series of activities that may include seeking, search- ing, interactive browsing and retrieving and constructing infor- mation (Kuhlthau, 1993).
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74 In particular, this paper introduces and elaborates on the concept of human information coordinating behavior (HICB) as an important linking process for Informatics that binds together the many processes involved in human information seeking and retrieving. The development of our understanding of informa- tion-related processes necessitates a theoretical and empirical explication of the important nature and role of HICB. The next section of the paper proposes a theoretical framework for the key process of human information coordination behavior.
The Binding Process: Human Information Coordinating Behavior
HICB is an integrating behavior that binds and draws to- gether processes at the heart of Information Science. Human information coordination binds and draws together other proc- esses at the heart of human information seeking and retrieving. Information Science research focuses on many different aspects of information coordinating behavior, including modeling hu- man information behavior (Wilson, 1997), information seeking behavior (Kuhlthau, 1993), human searching behavior with IR systems (Saracevic, 1996, 1997; Belkin, Cool, Stein & Theil, 1995; Ingwersen, 1992, 1996) and processes central to human information seeking and searching such as relevance (Spink, Greisdorf & Bateman, 1998), feedback (Spink, 1997a,b), repre- sentation and interaction. A growing number of researchers are working towards a more integrated view of human information seeking and searching (Spink, 1998b). However, without human coordination of vari- ous elements of the human information seeking and searching process there would be no process. Human information coordi- nation behavior is not a phenomenon unfamiliar to the models and processes of concern to informatics. However, as an implicit process, its nature, manifestations and effects have not previ- ously been explicitly investigated. This paper proposes an integrating theoretical framework for the human process of information coordination as an integrating notion for Information Science. I propose that there exist vari- ous levels of human information coordination – 1. Information seeking level 2. Information searching (HCI) level Humans cognitively coordinate their information seeking level behaviors with their information searching level (human-system interaction) behaviors; including the recognition and making sense of and cognitively articulating an information need or a gap in their knowledge. Humans then coordinate these processes to construct an information-seeking process. Coordination is also related to movement through a human information seeking process. Humans coordinate information in order to move through their information-seeking process. Part of the informa- tion-seeking process is the translation of their information prob- lem into a form that allows them to construct information from texts in the broadest sense. Bringing the elements of their infor- mation problem to an effective information-seeking and search- ing process is essential to an effective coordination process. For example, a human is seeking information on her family his- tory. She enters a library or begins to search the Web. To enable her information-seeking and searching process to move forward she must understand the dimensions of her information problem and coordinate her information seeking and searching processes to the degree that she is able to interact with the functional structure of the library or Web system. This coordination proc- ess between information problem and information- seeking/searching process must take place before a user enters a keyword into the Web or begins to browse the library shelves. The output of the Web search or the books found on the library shelves are coordinated through information feedback by the information-seeker with her information problem through vari- ous judgments of the relevance, magnitude and strategic aspects of the information system’s output (Spink, 1997b). Establishing and maintaining an effective information seeking and searching process requires humans to develop effective and coherent information coordinating behaviors and processes. In other words, information seekers must coordinate a number of elements, including their cognitive state, level of knowledge, their understanding of their information problem, into a coherent series of activities that may include seeking, searching, retriev- ing and using information. We know that hand-eye coordination is a physiological process humans develop from childhood. But, how do humans learn the process of coordinating their informa- tion needs into coherent processes of human information seeking and retrieving behaviors? The information feedback loop forms the basis of the looping HICB process. How do humans achieve coordination, including recognizing, making sense of and cogni- tively articulating an information need or gap in their knowl- edge, and construct and maintain an information seeking proc- ess? What is the relationship between information feedback and HICB? The informational feedback loop of coordination behavior is one of the most penetrating fundamentals in the information sciences and the basis for a theory of interaction. An important theoreti- cal foundation for the human information coordination process is information feedback. A basic issue confronting Information Science is the nature, manifestations and effects of feedback. In previous publications I reviewed the current state of feedback research in information science (Spink, 1997a,b; Spink, 1998a,b; Spink & Losee, 1996; Spink & Saracevic, 1998). Feedback, as a basic element of Information Science, is related to other basic elements including information, interpretation, representation, knowledge state, relevance, shifts and interac- tion. The process of information feedback (Spink & Saracevic, 1998) facilitates human information seeking and searching

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75 (Spink, 1997a,b) and binds the human process of coordinating information seeking and searching. Effective matching has been seen as the key to effective interac- tion between humans and information systems. However, infor- mation systems must do more than match – they must assist users to coordinate and facilitate effective human information coordination behaviors. Humans coordinate a loop of actions. Information coordination is a fundamental human initiated, fa- cilitated and determined behavior. We are told that humans and information systems must collaborate. However, unless a human can coordinate, a collaboration with an information system may be ineffective. Human and information systems must also col- laborate to facilitate an effective information coordination. However, coordination goes beyond collaboration – you may collaborate on one level, but not facilitate a coordination. Exploration of HICB is crucial to the development of the field of Information Science and the design of more effective informa- tion systems. Human information coordination is a complex human process to model. Information system designers are in reality trying to facilitate information-coordinating behavior that allows humans to effectively coordinate their actions within the context of their information seeking process. The effectiveness of human information coordination has been partly determined by relevance measures such as precision and recall, and can also be measured by changes in humans’ stages in their information seeking process (Spink, Greisdorf & Bateman, 1998). New information system effectiveness measures may be based on human information coordinating behaviors. Information co- ordination is a rich notion of active human information behav- iors. HICB lends value to Information Science research by bringing together interdisciplinary concepts and integrating them into a concise model and framework for ongoing studies and development. The explication of the process of human in- formation coordinating behavior is fundamental to the develop- ment of a theoretical framework and model for Informatics. The modeling of human information coordinating process, in relation to human information behaviors of seeking and searching, may assist in the development of information systems that more ef- fectively enable humans to effectively coordinate their actions within the context of their information seeking processes.
Further Issues
Further important issues to examine include: How do humans coordinate the various elements of their information seeking and searching into a coherent process? What is the relationship be- tween informational feedback as a coordinating behavior and interdependence, interpretation, information, purpose and mean- ing? How in HCI does information feedback facilitate coordinat- ing behavior?
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