Home > The Fourth International Conference on the Interface between Statistics and Engineering 2016 (The 4th ICISE) 20-22 June 2016, University of
The Fourth International Conference on the
Interface between Statistics and Engineering 2016
(The 4th ICISE)
20-22 June 2016, University of Palermo, Italy
Abstract Submission
The first step of abstract submission is to fill in the following information online at http://www.cityu.edu.hk/seem/icise2016/call_for_papers.htm, and the second step is to upload the abstract MS Word file to the same web-site. The deadline is 29 Feb 2016 (Extended to 31 Mar 2016). (If you intend to submit more than one abstract, please do it separately). The following information of this page is for reference only, and it needs to be input to the web-site.
Contract Person��s Information
Title: ______ Contact Name: _______________________________________________
Affiliation: ((University, Department, and etc.) __________________________________
Email Address: ___________________________________________________________
Tel. No. (with Country/Area Code): ___________________________________________
1st Author��s Details
Name: ______________________________________________________
Affiliation: ___________________________________________________
Email Address: ________________________________________________
2nd Author��s Details (and can be up to 10th Author)
Paper Title: _____________________________________________________________
Copy and paste the abstract to the Text Box in the Web-site. It allows 100 to 500 words. Then, upload the MS Word file of the abstract to the web-site.
Category: (select one from below, and see guidelines on next page for details) _____
1. Research Presentation 2. View Point 3. Technical Presentation
4. Conceptual Presentation 5. Case Study 6. General Review
Keywords (no more than six):
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
For abstract preparation, please read the guidelines on next page for details
Guidelines for Preparing an Abstract for the 4th ICISE
I. Choosing a Category
Pick the category which most closely describes your intended presentation in the conference. We understand that some presentations can fit into more than one category.
II. Selecting Keywords
Supply up to six keywords for tagging the presentation. Pick keywords that reflect the specificity of the intended presentation. Avoid overarching terms like "Systems��, "Management", unless the presentation discusses the topic with such a wide focus. Use the most common term for a concept. Do not make up new terms for an old concept. Try to think broadly: e.g., if the presentation discusses statistics in a particular industry/services sector, it may be worthwhile supplying the sector as a keyword. If an activity/research takes place in a particular country then supply the country's name as a keyword.
III. Writing the Abstract
To produce an abstract, please complete the following fields about your intended presentation. There are four fields which are obligatory (Purpose, Design, Findings and Value); the other two (Research limitations/ implications and Practical implications) may be omitted if they are not applicable to your presentation. Abstracts should contain 200 words, no more than 2 pages. Write concisely and clearly. The abstract should reflect only what would appear in the final presentation.
IV. Template of the Abstract
A. Author1 and B. Author2
1 Affiliation, Address and E-mail
2 Affiliation, Address and E-mail
The article title (not more than 12 words) should be in 12 pt bold capitals. Follow this with the name(s) of author(s) in 11 pt font bold and then affiliation(s) and address(es) in 10 pt font bold. Please provide an abstract (200- 300 words, no more than 2 pages in A4 size sheets) in 11 pt font, giving a brief account of the most relevant aspects of the intended presentation (see guidelines). Please follow this with up to 6 keywords in order to indicate the main topics discussed.
Keywords: Abstract, sections, illustrations, tables, equations, major references
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